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TrainingZONE Insider #61 – Get to grips with ROI


TrainingZONE Insider - Issue 61
Wednesday 9 March 2005

********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ******
1 Turn your L&D Department into a Profit Centre
2 How to Set up a Buddy Scheme
3 Survey: Training Trends 2005
4 Review: Evaluating Training
5 How Did I Get Here? Steve Dineen, Fuel
********** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ***** THIS WEEK'S TOPICS ******

Editor's note
There is no escaping the fact that return on investment is
becoming more of an issue for learning and development
departments. While it seems common sense that training and
development should impact on the bottom line for any
organisation, proving that return on investment is, of course,
rather more complicated. Well help is at hand this week, with
some interesting pointers on the ROI issue from members Martin
Schmalenbach and Frank McGoldrick. Click on the link below to
find out more.


Claire Savage
Editor, TrainingZONE

Mentoring Development Group - Coaching and Mentoring Conference
Interest in coaching and mentoring is a rapidly growing
phenomenon, accompanied by an explosion in the range and types
of coaching and mentoring available. Is this valuable diversity,
or just befuddling complexity? A conference in April will offer
practical advice on effectively managing this complexity at a
personal and organisational level.

Any Answers Answered

Cost and Profit Centres
If establishing the ROI of training is proving to be a headache,
don't miss these tips on how to turn your department into a
profit centre.

Buddying Scheme
Advice on how to set up a buddying system, including how to
select suitable buddies.

Team Building
Looking for a problem solving activity with a difference? Get
trucking with these team-building exercises.

Anthony Robbins - Unleash The Power Within
If you do today exactly what you did yesterday then you can
expect tomorrow to be as disappointing as today was or maybe you
could change your life forever. See Anthony Robbins live. Click
here for a special offer for TrainingZONE members

New questions posted on Any Answers include:

Ian Stone is looking for some tips on golden handcuffs for

How do you ensure people retain the information they've just
learned? Meg Brown is in need of you advice.

Frank McGoldrick is just setting up a Learning Resource Centre
and needs some pointers on the costs of providing open learning
against traditional training.

Got the answer or want to pose a question of your own? Go to:

Job: HR & Training officer
28k-30k depending on experience
The National Centre for Social Research (NatCen)
is looking to fill the post of HR & Training Officer based at
our London office with occasional travel to the other sites more
information, click here:

Community News

Selecting and Using Mentors Effectively
Mentors can powerfully develop individual learning and so
effective selection is essential. Using a questioning checklist
approach this resource covers: selecting and choosing mentors in
groups; learner selection of a mentor; effective mentor
qualities; effective mentee qualities; various mentor skills;
mentoring agreements.

Browse all of TrainingZONE's resources at:

Jobs and Opportunities

Sales Training Manager, 40K, Midlands

For all the latest opportunities on TrainingZONE go to:
To view or post a tender go to:

How Did I Get Here? Steve Dineen of Fuel
When someone told me they understood something I had explained
in five minutes... it was the best feedback you could get."
Steve Dineen of fuel explains his passion for learning and

Review: Evaluating Training
Angela Busby reviews the second edition of Peter Bramley's
Evaluating Training book.

Survey: Training Trends 2005
Take part in our fifth annual Training Trends survey and in
return you'll receive a copy of the results when they are

New Members
This week TrainingZONE welcomes new members from organisations
including: Gateshead Council, RNID, HCC Technologies, Barclays
Global, Scottish Prison Service, National Blood Service, Audit
Commission, Royal Bank of Scotland, Houses of Parliament,
Churchill Insurance, JP Morgan and HBOS.

Advertise your event here contact Phil Jones on 0117 9158634 or

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tell us a bit more about yourself and your professional
interests. Filling in the profile form only takes a few minutes
and you will then have full access to many areas that are
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Subscription Information
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