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Roger Black demonstrates how coaching can build self belief


In a masterclass at on Achieving Excellence at HRD 2000, Roger Black demonstrated how his own experiences as a member of a world championship athletics winning relay team can help the self-belief of individuals. Though from the individual’s perspective, it showed how a collection of well-motivated, positive individuals can help form a world-class team.

The seminar outlined a five-point blueprint for developing the mindset of a champion:

  • The desire to reach your potential
  • The need to achieve without fear of failure
  • Goal setting
  • The implementation of training programmes
  • The ability to perform under pressure

Roger Black recounted how these fundamentals can be embraced to help engineer major sporting successes. He demonstrated this by using anecdotes from his career, notably the team-working skills that were honed by the World Championship winning 4 X 400 relay team of 1991.

Concluding the seminar, Roger Black commented, "The above model for success played a major role in focusing on and achieving my set goals, both within a team and individual context. The background to much of the seminar can be incorporated into those business practices which are aimed at a developing dynamic, motivated and successful workforce."