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Microsoft announce XP Office Launch briefing


IT Managers and IT Trainers - your chance to be there on Thursday 31st May 2001.

XP Office is soon to be on general release, already there are many pre-formed opinions with regard to it’s performance – just as it was with it's predecessors, Office 97 and 2000, it is rapidly becoming a controversial topic for discussion. What are it’s improvements on the existing Office Suites? MS word (no pun intended) is that it has a more 'personal' feel. Also, from other sources, it is said that XP is better for corporative use rather than for personal use - much of this is just hearsay and you must reserve the right to form your own opinions.

Another question many will ask is, 'do we need another Office product, when many of us are quite satisfied with the version we already own and use? No doubt most of you will remember similar issues when Office 2000 was launched, though not in quite so ‘hyped-up’ a fashion! Office 2000 has become the norm for many users now, though 97 is still quite acceptable and functional for others. Perhaps the same will be said of XP in a year or two’s time – by which time Microsoft will probably be planning their next new ‘Office baby’. Or will the competition offer an alternative? TrainingZONE will keep you informed on all events. For the moment however, particularly if XP is better for business use, many trainers will need to be familiar with the new product for training purposes.

Whatever your views, it is possible to be present when Microsoft launch Office XP, they say:

’Be part of the Microsoft® Office XP launch and attend this exclusive morning session with keynote speakers Oliver Roll, Marketing Director, Microsoft Ltd and Steven Sinofsky, Senior Vice President for Office, Microsoft Corp. The event will focus on Office XP enhancements and demonstrate how innovative new technologies available in Office XP can provide valuable business solutions for organisations.’ Microsoft Office XP launch briefing

IT TrainingZONE has been monitoring the advent of the Microsoft Office XP for quite a while now. Inevitably the introduction of a leading new software must regarded as 'news' to the IT training world, irrespective of personal opinions.

We welcome your comments on this subject. Write to IT Training Editor: Kathleen Hopper