The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 54
21 June 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers and
coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is give,
From the Editor
There was a great response to last week’s feature on the Training Solutions Show. We mailed extra thousand copies to new companies, many of whom are joining TrainingZone as a result.
As part of the site upgrade being launched at the Show, many members will be pleased to know that all the resources in the ToolKit are of the site are now available to preview on screen. This enables you to browse through the various resources before deciding which ones you would like to download as a Word file.
We’re keen to expand this valuable library of training resources. If you have programmes, handouts, briefing papers, extracts, learning materials or similar which you would like to publish, please let me know. We provide full credit and copyright to all authors and contributors.
Finally, we’re about to launch our new Reviews feature. If you have products and resources you would like peer-reviewed for this audience, please get in touch.
Tim Pickles
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A selection of training and learning related resources available on the Web from our past week’s browsing on your behalf
Tracks – Towards Learning in the Future
Tracks is the international journal published by the Danish National Centre for Technical Supported Learning. It’s avaiable online in six different languages, including English. All the archive articles on a wide range of learning issues in which technology has supported the learner are available to view on screen. A valuable resource
More resource material downloads
The PSI-Press website has made available Peter Honey and Alan Mumford’s Learning Styles inventory as a free download. This makes the material even more available to a wide audience. The best-selling publication of the same title is also available on CD-Rom and as a series of Internet pages.
The same publisher has similarly made available their new ‘Impress to Sell’ training and development resource for people working in sales and marketing roles. Both products available to download from
The Institute for Supervision and Management
A UK-based Institute with more than 22,000 members which develops and fosters improved standards for supervisors and managers in all work settings. The Institute is engaged in the development of S/NVQs and promotes a range of learning opportunities to improve managerial skills in this area.
IPD webpages
The Institute of Personnel and Development http://www.ipd.co.ukcontinues to revamp its website although the net effect is to restrict access further. Most pages on the site now default to the initial Login page; it used to be possible to bi-pass this if you knew the specific page URL which you required! It’s still possible to access parts of the site using the Guest facility and TrainingZone will continue to report IPD developments from the site but unfortunately, access by non-members to much of this useful information will be denied.
Meanwhile debate about the Institute’s chartered status bid hots up. You can read some of the latest postings (and add your own) at
If the Institute does become chartered, its abbreviation will change to CIPD, which will be very confusing for those of us who are also members of the Institute for Continuing Professional Development – ICPD – http://www.icpd.co.uk
Interestingly, a bit of research reveals the fact that the IPD has already registered the web address http://www.cipd.co.ukalthough it’s NOT a live site yet! The Institute obviously anticipates getting the Royal Charter.
100,000 training opportunities in South East England
An impressive website maintained by the South East England Regional Information Forum offers a fully-searchable database of more than 100,000 learning opportunities. Most of the information has been provided by TECs and related organisations in the region. The list of searchable keywords must total several hundred! There can be few training directories which can claim to be as comprehensive as this one. Can other people copy it?
Technology for Training
A website maintained by Patti Shank in the US which provides some good illustrative graphics depicting the differences and relative advantages of technology-based training and instructor-led training. Worth checking out if this is an argument you are presently having with managers over the future training strategy for your organisation.
Learning Activities for Instructional System Design
Don Clark’s excellent website has long offered the full text of his Instructional System Design for analysing training and learning needs. Now he has extended the information by providing a page of Learning Activities to accompany the Design and make it even more accessable for trainers. This is an excellent page to browse through as it provides some great models and activities focused on learning and learning design.
Age Diversity in Employment
Following up the recent discussion paper on how to encourage greater age diversity in the employment practices within workplaces, the DfEE has now published its non-statutory code of conduct on the subject, together with guidelines for good practice. Good as far as they go. You can both read and download the advice at
On the same topic, an article by Bill Leonard in the June issue of HR Magazine is entitled ‘Linking Diversity Initiatives’ and explores different aspects of the US experience to promoting greater workplace diversity.
Best practice in OD/HRD Handbook
The US-based Linkage Inc website is proposing to publish a handbook on this subject and is seeking feedback about key issues as viewed by HRD and organisational development practitioners. You can respond online to their short survey – and get a discount on the final publication by assisting in this way
The ToolKit
An indispensable library of downloadable training resources
now available to preview on screen also
Why not publish your training resources in The ToolKit?
LearningWire currently reaches 1,900 organisations every week.
Put your message before this focused audience of people
engaged in training, learning and development.
+ + + + + + + + +
Latest news
A selection of News postings from the past seven days.
Individual Learning Accounts
The government has published a Summary of Progress on the introduction of the new – somewhat delayed – scheme whereby employees can open an account to access learning, and employers can contribute financially. Although there are some pilot schemes, it now looks as though the main roll-out will not occur until next year.
UfI updates its information on Learning Centres
The University for Industry website has updated its question and answer page for prospective partners interested in submitting proposals for the network of Learning Centres to be established throughout England and Wales. The new material includes some IT-related information. Does anyone know the web address of the comparable website for the Scottish University for Industry (SUfI) so we can report developments there as well?
Tackling Social Exclusion
An important speech from David Blunkett sets out the latest thinking on the government’s approach to empowering people and communities for a better future. The Social Exclusion policy is fully supported by its own website:
Union Learning Fund to receive an extra £0.5M
Further support has been provided to increase the Fund available to Unions to encourage and develop lifelong learning approaches. More funding may be available for specific projects.
+ + + + + + + + +
Getting involved
If you don’t already use these facilities, why not join the hundreds of others who regularly do?
The PressZone is our resource for posting and publicing your news and press releases. We will accept one-off press releases, or you can join up to have access to almost unlimited press facilities on the site!
The Discussion Area is one place where you can post questions, respond to others, seek (and offer) coaching, and take part in several topical debates.
+ + + + + + + + +
Forthcoming Events
Systems and Strategies for online learning
A two-day management forum exploring the future of online learning being held in London on 27/28 July 1999
Online Learning Euro ’99
A European conference on the subject of online learning being convened by Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education on 20/22 July 1999.
Next ICPD breakfast meeting
The next Breakfast meeting for members of the Institute of Continuing Professional Development will be held on 21 October 1999 at the Howard Hotel, London. Lord Douglas Hurd will be the speaker.
IPD Professional Standards Conference
The annual event to monitor and review professional standards has been arranged for 12-14 July at Warwick
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About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities. Based in Bristol, Sift has also developed AccountingWEB for the accounting sector, BusinessZONE (for the SME market), TravelMole for the travel industry and LawZONE for the legal profession.
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Encourage them to
register themselves. It’s easy –
To add or remove a subscription, send a message to
majordomo@sift.co.uk (mailto:majordomo@sift.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire your_email_address
e.g. subscribe learningwire myname@mycompany.co.uk
or unsubscribe learningwire your_e-mail_address
or register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/help/help_wires.html
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:tpickles@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630
The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 54
21 June 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (C) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved.
This material is distributed free to trainers, learners, managers and
coaches. It may be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is give,
From the Editor
There was a great response to last week's feature on the Training Solutions Show. We mailed extra thousand copies to new companies, many of whom are joining TrainingZone as a result.
As part of the site upgrade being launched at the Show, many members will be pleased to know that all the resources in the ToolKit are of the site are now available to preview on screen. This enables you to browse through the various resources before deciding which ones you would like to download as a Word file.
We're keen to expand this valuable library of training resources. If you have programmes, handouts, briefing papers, extracts, learning materials or similar which you would like to publish, please let me know. We provide full credit and copyright to all authors and contributors.
Finally, we're about to launch our new Reviews feature. If you have products and resources you would like peer-reviewed for this audience, please get in touch.
Tim Pickles
+ + + + + + + + +
A selection of training and learning related resources available on the Web from our past week's browsing on your behalf
Tracks - Towards Learning in the Future
Tracks is the international journal published by the Danish National Centre for Technical Supported Learning. It's avaiable online in six different languages, including English. All the archive articles on a wide range of learning issues in which technology has supported the learner are available to view on screen. A valuable resource
More resource material downloads
The PSI-Press website has made available Peter Honey and Alan Mumford's Learning Styles inventory as a free download. This makes the material even more available to a wide audience. The best-selling publication of the same title is also available on CD-Rom and as a series of Internet pages.
The same publisher has similarly made available their new 'Impress to Sell' training and development resource for people working in sales and marketing roles. Both products available to download from
The Institute for Supervision and Management
A UK-based Institute with more than 22,000 members which develops and fosters improved standards for supervisors and managers in all work settings. The Institute is engaged in the development of S/NVQs and promotes a range of learning opportunities to improve managerial skills in this area.
IPD webpages
The Institute of Personnel and Development http://www.ipd.co.ukcontinues to revamp its website although the net effect is to restrict access further. Most pages on the site now default to the initial Login page; it used to be possible to bi-pass this if you knew the specific page URL which you required! It's still possible to access parts of the site using the Guest facility and TrainingZone will continue to report IPD developments from the site but unfortunately, access by non-members to much of this useful information will be denied.
Meanwhile debate about the Institute's chartered status bid hots up. You can read some of the latest postings (and add your own) at
If the Institute does become chartered, its abbreviation will change to CIPD, which will be very confusing for those of us who are also members of the Institute for Continuing Professional Development - ICPD - http://www.icpd.co.uk
Interestingly, a bit of research reveals the fact that the IPD has already registered the web address http://www.cipd.co.ukalthough it's NOT a live site yet! The Institute obviously anticipates getting the Royal Charter.
100,000 training opportunities in South East England
An impressive website maintained by the South East England Regional Information Forum offers a fully-searchable database of more than 100,000 learning opportunities. Most of the information has been provided by TECs and related organisations in the region. The list of searchable keywords must total several hundred! There can be few training directories which can claim to be as comprehensive as this one. Can other people copy it?
Technology for Training
A website maintained by Patti Shank in the US which provides some good illustrative graphics depicting the differences and relative advantages of technology-based training and instructor-led training. Worth checking out if this is an argument you are presently having with managers over the future training strategy for your organisation.
Learning Activities for Instructional System Design
Don Clark's excellent website has long offered the full text of his Instructional System Design for analysing training and learning needs. Now he has extended the information by providing a page of Learning Activities to accompany the Design and make it even more accessable for trainers. This is an excellent page to browse through as it provides some great models and activities focused on learning and learning design.
Age Diversity in Employment
Following up the recent discussion paper on how to encourage greater age diversity in the employment practices within workplaces, the DfEE has now published its non-statutory code of conduct on the subject, together with guidelines for good practice. Good as far as they go. You can both read and download the advice at
On the same topic, an article by Bill Leonard in the June issue of HR Magazine is entitled 'Linking Diversity Initiatives' and explores different aspects of the US experience to promoting greater workplace diversity.
Best practice in OD/HRD Handbook
The US-based Linkage Inc website is proposing to publish a handbook on this subject and is seeking feedback about key issues as viewed by HRD and organisational development practitioners. You can respond online to their short survey - and get a discount on the final publication by assisting in this way
The ToolKit
An indispensable library of downloadable training resources
now available to preview on screen also
Why not publish your training resources in The ToolKit?
LearningWire currently reaches 1,900 organisations every week.
Put your message before this focused audience of people
engaged in training, learning and development.
+ + + + + + + + +
Latest news
A selection of News postings from the past seven days.
Individual Learning Accounts
The government has published a Summary of Progress on the introduction of the new - somewhat delayed - scheme whereby employees can open an account to access learning, and employers can contribute financially. Although there are some pilot schemes, it now looks as though the main roll-out will not occur until next year.
UfI updates its information on Learning Centres
The University for Industry website has updated its question and answer page for prospective partners interested in submitting proposals for the network of Learning Centres to be established throughout England and Wales. The new material includes some IT-related information. Does anyone know the web address of the comparable website for the Scottish University for Industry (SUfI) so we can report developments there as well?
Tackling Social Exclusion
An important speech from David Blunkett sets out the latest thinking on the government's approach to empowering people and communities for a better future. The Social Exclusion policy is fully supported by its own website:
Union Learning Fund to receive an extra £0.5M
Further support has been provided to increase the Fund available to Unions to encourage and develop lifelong learning approaches. More funding may be available for specific projects.
+ + + + + + + + +
Getting involved
If you don't already use these facilities, why not join the hundreds of others who regularly do?
The PressZone is our resource for posting and publicing your news and press releases. We will accept one-off press releases, or you can join up to have access to almost unlimited press facilities on the site!
The Discussion Area is one place where you can post questions, respond to others, seek (and offer) coaching, and take part in several topical debates.
+ + + + + + + + +
Forthcoming Events
Systems and Strategies for online learning
A two-day management forum exploring the future of online learning being held in London on 27/28 July 1999
Online Learning Euro '99
A European conference on the subject of online learning being convened by Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education on 20/22 July 1999.
Next ICPD breakfast meeting
The next Breakfast meeting for members of the Institute of Continuing Professional Development will be held on 21 October 1999 at the Howard Hotel, London. Lord Douglas Hurd will be the speaker.
IPD Professional Standards Conference
The annual event to monitor and review professional standards has been arranged for 12-14 July at Warwick
+ + + + + + + + +
About Sift
Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities. Based in Bristol, Sift has also developed AccountingWEB for the accounting sector, BusinessZONE (for the SME market), TravelMole for the travel industry and LawZONE for the legal profession.
How to Subscribe and Unsubscribe
We want everyone to use this free newswire and digest, so forward
it to a colleague or hand it to a friend. Encourage them to
register themselves. It's easy -
To add or remove a subscription, send a message to
majordomo@sift.co.uk (mailto:majordomo@sift.co.uk)
and in the BODY of the message type:
subscribe learningwire your_email_address
e.g. subscribe learningwire myname@mycompany.co.uk
or unsubscribe learningwire your_e-mail_address
or register at https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/help/help_wires.html
Editor: Tim Pickles mailto:tpickles@trainingzone.co.uk
Sift plc., The Mill House, Redcliff Backs, Bristol BS1 6LY
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630