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How might I introduce Ontological Coaching into Britain?


I'm a resident of the United States although I'm British born. I have spent the last 15 years working in the
personal development, facilitator training/coaching field. I recently trained in Ontological Coaching with Julio Olalla and the Newfield Network. Julio is an internationally known coach from Chile. I am a member of the ICF.

I'm interested in finding out about how to offer coaching training programs in Britain.

I don't know how much you know about Julio's work. He's worked all over the world but not, to my knowledge, very much if at all in Britain. His work is very exciting and I'm sure would be eagerly embraced by businesses and individuals in Britain who are anxious to develop their own
potential, tap their creativity, become more innovative, and enjoy a greater sense of wellbeing at work and outside of work. If this sounds a bit much, it really isn't, as part of the premise is that we can no longer work with artificial distinctions between work life, home life, relationships, health and general wellbeing.

I have no idea how to go about offering such training to people currently in the coaching profession in Britian. Any tips you may be able to give me would be much appreciated.

I look forward to more visits and to acquainting myself
further with the coaching profession in Britain. I very much hope to hear from you.

Jane Guyton

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