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The future of learning organisations – call for papers


The European Consortium for the Learning Organisation is pleased to announce its call for contributions to its 7th Annual Conference


The Future For Learning Organisations

Munich 17-19 May 2000

ECLO is working in partnership with our two major sponsors, the Munich Chambers of Commerce (IHK) and Allianz, to prepare its annual conference in May 2000. We are planning to organise pre-conference workshops that incorporate on-site visits to some of the major corporations in the Munich area. We are interested in furthering our knowledge of the new ideas and issues facing learning organisations in the near future.

It is over 10 years now since the concept of the learning organisation was first proposed as a solution to those organisations needing to ensure survival and growth in a rapidly changing world. In that time our knowledge and understanding about the principles and practices involved in making the concept come alive have matured. We can look back on this last decade with some satisfaction that the concept itself has become largely accepted as providing a set of rich yet complex frameworks for improving organisational performance through learning. Our model of a learning organisation, established during the 1990s includes the integration of individual, team and organisational learning.

However, any satisfaction is tempered by the recognition that the world has changed dramatically in the last decade. The rapid diffusion in information and communication technologies (ICTs), the shifts in markets and customer demands, the needs for collaborative alliances and partnerships are some of the many changes that are accepted as part of an organisation's operational environment. As we enter the new millennium our thoughts naturally focus on the future. What might be the new challenges facing organisations in the next decade?

How might ICTs change in a way that supports the development of learning organisations? What are the tools under development that improve the capabilities of organisations and all of the people working there?

What are the issues facing partnerships and is any effective form of inter-organisational learning likely to take hold in the coming years?

What are the tools and techniques necessary to help establish learning organisations in the next decade?

ECLO welcomes submissions from corporate practitioners, consultants and researchers that help improve our understanding of the new challenges facing learning organisations. These new challenges will be based on knowledge from past experiences, which will inform and influence new directions and theories.

We are seeking practical demonstrations from organisations on what they have been implementing, the lessons they have learned and any unresolved issues that require new ideas and methods for implementation. ECLO is particularly interested in providing a forum for organisations that are experimenting with new ideas or piloting new tools and wish to gain constructive feedback.

We are seeking presentations of new theoretical models; empirical studies and new tools and techniques that may help address the needs of learning organisation in the future.

Please submit your presentation outline on one side of A4 paper only. Submissions longer than this may not be considered for inclusion in the programme.

The deadline for submission is December 10th 1999.

Please mark clearly which of the following most represents your planned presentation:
Practical case study
Theoretical concept
Empirical study
Tools and techniques

Please also indicate whether you intend to:
make a presentation
facilitate a workshop

As in previous years in recognition of ECLO's not-for-profit status and the mutual learning opportunities available we ask presenters to pay a fee for this major event in our year 2000 calendar. Although, the final figure has yet to be finalised we anticipate that it will be in the order of 1200 DM.

Please send your submissions to ECLO, Venelle des Lauriers 8, B-1300 Wavre, Belgium
preferably by e-mail to or fax it to: + 32 10 24 7973.

Please submit your document in Office97 or compatible programme.

Thank you for your contributing to our learning