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EvaluationZone – your personal development route


EvaluationZone is based on a simple yet revolutionary evaluation model and framework that can be applied to absolutely any type of training and development intervention. The principles are easy to learn and its practical application offers trainers enormous developmental opportunities.

A solid basis for comparison with your peers and professional colleagues

Because EvaluationZone follows some common principles and guidelines it means that really meaningful comparisons can be made between subscribers, using common terminology. Benchmarking with your peers now becomes a reality.

A means for linking the key processes of training needs analysis, design, delivery and evaluation directly to business results

All trainers know about the training cycle, which moves from an analysis of needs, through the design phase and ends with training delivery. What is so often missing is the evaluation phase, usually tagged on as an afterthought rather than an integral part of the whole learning process.

A genuine opportunity to demonstrate a clear ROI on your training spend

One question on every trainer’s lips at the moment is ‘how do I prove that my training represents a sound investment?’ Without an effective approach to evaluation it is virtually impossible to answer this question. Join Evaluation Zone and start making real ROI calculations that will convince the most sceptical Finance Director.

See the results before you subscribe to EvaluationZone

EvaluationZone is an unashamedly subscription site. As it preaches the benefits of calculating ROI in £££’s it could hardly be otherwise. If evaluation of training means anything it has to mean getting a good return on your training investment.

read our introductory article: why evaluate your training and development?