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Evaulating training – can you, should you?


TrainingZONE online workshop
Evaulating training - can you, should you?
Tuesday 13 March 2001, 13:00 - 13:45 GMT

Evaluation of training programmes is often seen as the 'holy grail' of development in the workplace. Bolstered by the thinking behind Investors in People, the idea that all training undertaken can be and should be linked to the business 'bottom line' is the theory which many training departments strive towards these days. But is all the effort really worth it? Can you really put a price on the contribution of management development schemes and 'soft skills' training to a company's success? And if you can, what methods actually work?

This week's workshop will be looking beyond the theory at the practice of the evaluation process. If you've implemented an evaluation programme which works, have struggled to create a system beyond the use of 'happy sheets' or think that evaluation is something you should be doing, but aren't, come along to this session and share your experiences with others.

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