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ILAs, NTOs, SSCs: Enough reorganisation? – TrainingZone comment


Another day, another training initiative. The DfES and other national organisations keep telling businesses that they need to make work-based training a priority, but do the incessant rebrandings, restructurings and launches of initiatives really make this any easier?

The withdrawal of ILAs and the reorganistion of NTOs into Sector Skills Councils have been justified by some sound reasons, but have also left training professionals confused. Is abolition followed by a new start really the answer, when it involves losing an established name and a programme that has generated as much interest as ILAs have?

The DfES and the NTO National Council have recently launched an employer Champions Group to promote National Occupational Standards and NVQs, highlighting their value to higher education as well as to business, and raising their profile. Today the Adult Skills Minister has been emphasising the need for businesses to influence national training provision. But, to play a consistent part here, don't businesses need to know more consistently who is running what?

Has national skills training policy just got too muddled? Let us know what you think.