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Development Key to Retaining Ambitious Staff


Ambitious employees expect to have to jump ship in the New Year, but better development opportunities could keep them where they are, according to a new poll.

Research for Investors in People (IIP) shows that nearly half of employees (48%) feel they deserve to be promoted within six months, but 60% feel they will have to switch organisations to progress their career.

Over half (53%) of employees questioned said that their organisation’s approach to promotion remains a mystery, and more than three quarters (77%) were unsure of how development in their role was linked to promotion prospects.

When asked how their bosses could improve the process for promoting people, employees called for clear guidelines for staff at all levels (57%). Over half (54%) cited individual development plans and 47% pointed to a robust appraisals process as important factors.

Commenting on the findings, IIP director June Williams said: “Managers should remember that promotion isn’t just about new titles or salary increase – for many employees, being given new responsibilities is more important. What’s more, without new challenges, the temptation is to seek progression by moving on elsewhere. Not only does this cost employers as they spend time and money to replace them, it ultimately benefits the competition who are only to happy to snap up new talent.”