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Major revamp of ASTD Virtual Community site


The American Society for Training and Development has this week revamped their online virtual community in order to create a 'flatter' structure and easier navigation. The result is quite pleasing and certainly makes getting around the site a lot quicker and simpler. This continues to be an excellent community site, well worth visiting, and one which we will continue to report on regularly.

An interesting new section is devoted to What works online?.

The major contents index is as follows:

• About ASTD
• Members Only Area
• Local Chapters

• ASTD Press Books
• T&D Magazine
• Buyer's Guide
• Info-line
• Technical Training
• Audio/Video Catalogue
• Software
• Advertising Opportunities

• IM2000
• HPI Certificate Program

• Job Bank
• Seminar Agent

• Consulting Practice
• Evaluation & ROI
• Learning Technologies
• Management Development
• Managing Training
• OD
• Performance Improvement
• Technical Training
• Training Basics

• Benchmarking Forum Members Only
• Measurement Kit, Part I
• Measurement Kit, Part II

• Trainlit
• Industry Links