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The TrainingZone LearningWire – Issue 71


The TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 71
18 October 1999
The Learning Community
Copyright (c) 1999 Sift plc. All rights reserved. May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as long as attribution is given.

What's coming up?
After a quiet start, it's been a really busy week for news. In this issue of LearningWire, we present you with a summarised digest of just some of the leading stories. There are plenty of other 'crunchy' news items so do be sure to check out the full stories on the site. Reading the stories online also gives you the opportunity of going to the source material and of adding your own comment on the story.

We're gearing up for the IPD National Conference and Exhibition in Harrogate next week. We're on Stand Q16 and look forward to seeing lots of our regular users in person. Read on in this issue for details of how to walk away with bottles of wine !!

We'll be launching several new features at the Show including the new shopping mall carrying thousands of training and development related products. If your company would like to sell direct (without having to create your own e-commerce area) have a look at

For further information about any aspect of TrainingZone, contact Tim Pickles, Editor



Online Learning conference London, 23rd & 24th November 1999

This event is brings together speakers from Cable and Wireless,
BBC Education, KnowledgePool, Open University Business School,
Financial Times Management and TrainingZone. Themes to be
discussed and developed are:
- Providing a framework to assess online learning
- Creating and maintaining a successful online learning environment
- Can technology based training improve productivity
- Achieving management support to online learning
The conference is the ideal opportunity to develop your knowledge
of online learning.


Direct your message to our regular audience of over 3,400 professionals engaged in training, learning and development.

WebWatch brings you information about useful and relevant resources from other Internet sites around the world.

Using music to enhance learning
Here's an interesting online article brought to our attention recently which seeks to demonstrate the value of music as an aid not just in relaxing, but also in promoting learning and performance. I knew there was a good reason for keeping a CD playing in my laptop whilst I worked!

Comprehensive explanation of mentoring
Another interesting article in this month's the-shelf site explores the value of mentoring and provides an excellent and comprehensive overview of the method and its benefits. If you're looking to convince your company of the benefits of introducing a mentoring policy, this is the place to start by reprinting direct.

How Mentoring supports learning
A fascinating, lengthy and scholarly article in Continuing Professional Development Issue 3 1999, takes us "towards an understanding of how mentoring supports learning". Based on detailed research, it explores issues such as the best 'match' between mentor and mentee, and the impact of successful mentoring on the organisation as a whole.

Gower Activity Index and Abstract - GAIA
Following the trend towards publishing resource materials online, Gower have made available over 2,750 individual learning activities in their online Learning Resource Centre. You can preview and purchase individual learning activities from this comprehensive centre. It's a pretty impressive resource and certainly demonstrates the demand for one-off individual activities. Well worth a browse through.

Just what is neuro-linguistic programming?
Sue Knight attempts to answer this question and demonstrate how it can be used to give you choice - choice to do more of the same or choice to do differently - in this article on the excellent BehaviourBuzz website

Continuing Professional Development Foundation
The Foundation's website has moved recently. You can use the site to find out full details of the lecture and development programmes for various professional groups running from now through to the end of the year

Trainers: "This one's for you!"
An interesting, even tempting, batch of open courses for trainers from The Training Shop, from core skills to "business impact and influence".

Action Learning and 'Triple Loop' Learning
The third in a series of articles on the concept, and application, of 'triple loop' learning appears on the MCB University Press site this month. According to its proponents, "triple loop learning can be described as development. It is the development of new principles with which an organization can move on to a new phase."

Personality online?
For a range of information about personality testing, including some interesting online resource material, have a look at


Any Answers?
Have you checked out these questions from other users. Virtually all receive at least one helpful response. And if you post a question here, each answer is automatically emailed to you.

Do you have information about staff development / HRD in France? asks Alison Astin

Can you recommend any websites relevant to TNA? asks Michelle Golding

Does anyone in management training use Lotus LearningSpace course design? asks Peter Wilson

Is anyone familiar with any instruments/questionnaires that identify personal motivational styles? asks Joe

How would you like your online workshops accrediting for CPD purposes? asks TrainingZone staff

Can you suggest imaginative exercises about health and safety in office environments? asks Diana McCann

Where can I find the 'Zin Obelisk' and similar group problem solving activities?

Do you know any courses on Mailsweeper? asks Pat Castlo

Please keep sending new questions to the Editor



Earn yourself free bottles of wine !

Going to the IPD National Exhibition at Harrogate?
We invite all LearningWire readers to write a short review
of any product or service on display. Come to Stand Q16
and we'll publish your review online on TrainingZone on the
spot. Bottle of wine for each review whilst stocks last.


HR News
Please send all relevant HR news postings to Cecilia Bingham

Careers help from the BBC
The BBC's "Work It Up" site and related programmes (digital) aim to provide "an essential career information guide".

Privacy "no longer an issue" for today's job seekers
Survey says job applicants aren't concerned that current employers find out they are in the market. Today's job seekers are comfortable posting their CVs online for all to see.

High cost of violence at work
Work-related violence "loses 3.3 million working hours a year and costs 62 million GBP", says the Home Office.

Impact of Working Time Regulations
An IPD report suggests that after all the resistance, businesses seem to have been very little affected by the Working Time Regulations. I wonder, does this mean that the regulations are not strict enough?

Monday blues "a myth", research shows
New research from the Institute of Work Psychology brings some surprising points for HR and other managers.

First Chair of Disability Rights Commission
Bert Massie is to be the first Chair of the Disability Rights Commission (DRC). Mr Massie is currently Director of the Royal Association for Disability and Rehabilitation and the Deputy Chair of the National Disability Council.

Instant resources for all
The site owners' description of The Shelf as "a wealth of valuable resources for team leaders and HR professionals alike" seems (unlike some) to be fully justified. Well worth a long visit, including many free downloads of potted but eminently sound advice sheets.

Workplace Bullies
An article in the current online issue of HR Magazine talks of workplace bullies 'lurking in the shadows'. As someone who has recent had good second-hand experience of the effect of bullying in the workplace, this is a good and accurate read. Beware - you can't always detect them unless you experience them directly. Our next 'Toolkit for Managers' resource, due to be published by Pavilion later this year, is dedicated to those who have survived this form of abuse.


Other News

Sir Alex Ferguson management training videos
Now here's a topical title, whatever the content. If you're fed up with the rugby, it's time to think about the football again! And Sir Alex is promoting management training in this newly released video. Worth a look?

Growing pressure to reduce UK call charges to the Internet
This month AOL have introduced a new subscription package offering call connection rates of just 1p/minute irrespective of the time of day (that's equivalent to the present BT weekend local call rate). At the same time the campaign for unmetered calls is gathering momentum with a meeting next week organised with Patricia Hewitt, the e-commerce minister.

Update on 'Learning to Succeed' proposals
There's a further update on progress over consultations about the White Paper proposals on the DfEE website area dedicated to discussion on the topic. For a synopsis see

New e-mail forum to boost business skills
Education and Employment Secretary David Blunkett announces an e-mail forum on the internet for small businesses. The aim is, in the first instance, to set up an e-mail forum for 1,000 small to medium sized firms as part of the drive to improve government's contacts with employers, and to give them a new channel of communication - on skills, workforce development and key employment issues.

Career Development Loans
All you ever wanted to know about this government-sponsored scheme to provide finance for your career development plans, including an online application form, can be found on the Lifelong Learning site. For details, see

Manufacturing confidence up, service sector variable
The British Chambers of Commerce said confidence among manufacturers in most areas has risen to its highest level since before the 1997 election. But the service sector showed sharp differences between the north and south in the third quarter of the year.



Best Training and Learning Website 1999
Make your nomination for this award at


Product Reviews
Every week we publish reviews by a team of active professionals of recent publications, resource materials and products. To have your products reviewed, check out

'Key Word Skills' by Rosie Bingham and Sue Drew receives lots of praise in this review by Leslie Rae

'Smart Things to Know about Customers' by Ros Jay receives a close review from Wilma Taggart


New postings in the PressZone
Publish details of all your news in the PressZone. To become a member, see

HR professionals score high in Emotional Intelligence - according to a study from Buckholdt Associates


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Sift plc is the award-winning UK developer of online communities bringing you TrainingZone, AccountingWeb, BusinessZone, Travel Mole and LawZone.


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Editor: Tim Pickles
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