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Technical Training Consultants


I have been approached to assemble a team to provide an open learning solution to a multi-national client within the Electricity Supply Industry. This will involve taking their technical dociumentation, together with direct experience of their equipment and procedures and constructing modularised training materials for delivery – from tutor-packs through to self-tech materials.

Eventual product may involve printed product, av materials or on-line ditribution of courseware.

At this initial stage, I am looking to put forward a shortlist of credible associates and would like you to respond with the following information:

Track record/credibility within the ESI
Experience in writing/specifying open learning materials
costs you expect to recover against commissions ranging from 1 week through to 100 days.

If you are interested in helping me with this project, please respond to:

Nigel Wilkins
Inscape Trainer Support Services


All responses will be treated with respect.

Thank you.

Nigel Wilkins