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LearningWire Issue 179 – online resource Library


TrainingZONE LearningWIRE – Issue 170
17 September 2001


Online Resource Library …
Publish your resources …
Take your courses and resources online …


In the past fortnight, we’ve finally been able to implement one
of the features which was at the heart of our plans for
TrainingZONE when it was launched four years ago: an online
resource centre library of activities, slides, manuals,
briefings, documents, extracts, guides and more. The same
facility is now available to any trainer or author who wishes to
publish their original work and earn royalty revenues from every
online sale. In this special issue of LearningWire, we introduce
you to the Library. We’re also running a series of live online
events showing you just how to take your courses and resources

Stephanie Phillips
Editor, TrainingZONE

Are you interested in e-learning? Would you like to contribute
to the future of on-line learning? Got two hours a week to
devote to a pilot programme? WayAhead Training wants you to join
in a short pilot investigating on-line learning for team leaders
and managers. To participate go to for further details.

The Library is an online resource centre currently comprising
over 2,600 files which you can download to your desktop and use
in your professional work. You can search the content (by Title,
Synopsis or Author). The entire Library is at

The content comprises training programmes, powerpoint slide
sequences, handouts, activities, expert guides, trainer manuals,
research papers, NVQ support materials, IT guides, briefing and
discussion papers, case studies and more.

Most of the files can be either viewed on screen or downloaded to
your desktop. Most are presented in common file formats such as
Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or Acrobat.

As well as content published by TrainingZONE, you can also search
content published by CRM-Forum, AccountingWEB, Parkes, Keynote,
PDP and over 15 other publishers and suppliers.

The most popular material is categorized into some pre-configured
lists. For example, there are quick links to all the resources
on such topics as: Accreditation; Coaching and Mentoring;
Learning; Personal Development; Teams; Trainer Development; etc.

The convenience of an online resource Library is that it is
immediately available to you. There is a synopsis for each
resource and details of the publisher. Some resources are free
of charge. Others are priced using pay-per-view technology.
Payment is collected using high security online credit card
technology – you only ever have to enter your details once, but
your must confirm your username and password for each transaction
to prevent other people debiting your account. (We can remind
you of these details if you’ve forgotten them.) For purchases
over 20 GBP you can opt to be invoiced, but there is a processing
delay before you can download your chosen resource.

To view the Library, see

License the material for up to a year
Unlike other systems, when you access any resource from the
Library, you are granted a continuing access License for a
specified period of up to a year. This means you can re-access
the materials online at any time during the license period
without any further charge. If you’ve already purchased Library
material, you can view a complete list of your licensed resources

Publish your own resources and earn royalties from every sale
Many of our members have created their own training and learning
resources. We now offer you the facility to publish these online
quickly and easily and earn significant royalties from their
sale. You provide the content; we provide the technology; others
browse and purchase; you earn income. We exercise a quality
control check over the content and its pricing. You must confirm
that the content is your original work and that you own the
copyright. For full details of how to publish and earn, please

Who’s publishing their materials in the Library?
Find out more about our contributing authors and publishers by
reading their Who’s Who entries, for example:

– Graham Guest (on lifelong learning)
– Karen Legg (on retailing, accreditation, customers)
– Leslie Rae (on evaluation)


Licence all or part of the entire Library
To meet the requirements of certain organisations, you can also
take our a single license to repeatedly access entire sections of
the Library or the whole Library. In each case, such a licence
will enable you to immediately use all the content of the
specified area, PLUS automatic access to all new resources added
to that area over the next 12 months. And at the rate we’re
adding new content, that’s quite an offer.

For example, Management Unlimited publish 17 complete resource
manuals to support the Diploma in Management at 45 GBP each, but
the entire suite is available at a 20% discount at

Our fast expanding series of Expert Guides can by licensed for a
30% discount at

And the entire TrainingZONE published Library is available at an
introductory price until 30 September of just 999 GBP – a huge
discount on the individual prices PLUS automatic access to all
new resources added over the next 12 months.

Breaking news is always to be found at

How to take your training courses and resources online
Our new programme of live online events is attracting interest.
The first two sessions will provide a guide to some easy ways of
delivering your present training resources and courses to clients
online. Advance booking is essential

Tuesday 18 September, 13:00 BST

Thursday 27 September, 13:00 BST

Accreditation and Qualifications
Our special theme this month focuses on all aspects of
accreditation and qualifications. Check out all the available
resources at

Correction: IiP costs
Last week we drew your attention to a recent report on the costs
of supporting Investors in People recognition. This was based on
research published by the Department for Education and Skills
(not the Learning and Skills Council). Many organisations
qualify for substantial subsidy in the IiP application which
reduces the net cost to them. Full details at

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, register at

Alternatively, e-mail
with the message SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the body text.

To unsubscribe, e-mail
with the message UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the body text.

You should unsubscribe from the same e-mail address you
subscribed from.

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select ‘my services’ at

Copyright (c) 2001 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630 ISSN 1474-2225

TrainingZONE LearningWIRE - Issue 170
17 September 2001


Online Resource Library ...
Publish your resources ...
Take your courses and resources online ...


In the past fortnight, we've finally been able to implement one
of the features which was at the heart of our plans for
TrainingZONE when it was launched four years ago: an online
resource centre library of activities, slides, manuals,
briefings, documents, extracts, guides and more. The same
facility is now available to any trainer or author who wishes to
publish their original work and earn royalty revenues from every
online sale. In this special issue of LearningWire, we introduce
you to the Library. We're also running a series of live online
events showing you just how to take your courses and resources

Stephanie Phillips
Editor, TrainingZONE

Are you interested in e-learning? Would you like to contribute
to the future of on-line learning? Got two hours a week to
devote to a pilot programme? WayAhead Training wants you to join
in a short pilot investigating on-line learning for team leaders
and managers. To participate go to for further details.

The Library is an online resource centre currently comprising
over 2,600 files which you can download to your desktop and use
in your professional work. You can search the content (by Title,
Synopsis or Author). The entire Library is at

The content comprises training programmes, powerpoint slide
sequences, handouts, activities, expert guides, trainer manuals,
research papers, NVQ support materials, IT guides, briefing and
discussion papers, case studies and more.

Most of the files can be either viewed on screen or downloaded to
your desktop. Most are presented in common file formats such as
Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or Acrobat.

As well as content published by TrainingZONE, you can also search
content published by CRM-Forum, AccountingWEB, Parkes, Keynote,
PDP and over 15 other publishers and suppliers.

The most popular material is categorized into some pre-configured
lists. For example, there are quick links to all the resources
on such topics as: Accreditation; Coaching and Mentoring;
Learning; Personal Development; Teams; Trainer Development; etc.

The convenience of an online resource Library is that it is
immediately available to you. There is a synopsis for each
resource and details of the publisher. Some resources are free
of charge. Others are priced using pay-per-view technology.
Payment is collected using high security online credit card
technology - you only ever have to enter your details once, but
your must confirm your username and password for each transaction
to prevent other people debiting your account. (We can remind
you of these details if you've forgotten them.) For purchases
over 20 GBP you can opt to be invoiced, but there is a processing
delay before you can download your chosen resource.

To view the Library, see

License the material for up to a year
Unlike other systems, when you access any resource from the
Library, you are granted a continuing access License for a
specified period of up to a year. This means you can re-access
the materials online at any time during the license period
without any further charge. If you've already purchased Library
material, you can view a complete list of your licensed resources

Publish your own resources and earn royalties from every sale
Many of our members have created their own training and learning
resources. We now offer you the facility to publish these online
quickly and easily and earn significant royalties from their
sale. You provide the content; we provide the technology; others
browse and purchase; you earn income. We exercise a quality
control check over the content and its pricing. You must confirm
that the content is your original work and that you own the
copyright. For full details of how to publish and earn, please

Who's publishing their materials in the Library?
Find out more about our contributing authors and publishers by
reading their Who's Who entries, for example:

- Graham Guest (on lifelong learning)
- Karen Legg (on retailing, accreditation, customers)
- Leslie Rae (on evaluation)


Licence all or part of the entire Library
To meet the requirements of certain organisations, you can also
take our a single license to repeatedly access entire sections of
the Library or the whole Library. In each case, such a licence
will enable you to immediately use all the content of the
specified area, PLUS automatic access to all new resources added
to that area over the next 12 months. And at the rate we're
adding new content, that's quite an offer.

For example, Management Unlimited publish 17 complete resource
manuals to support the Diploma in Management at 45 GBP each, but
the entire suite is available at a 20% discount at

Our fast expanding series of Expert Guides can by licensed for a
30% discount at

And the entire TrainingZONE published Library is available at an
introductory price until 30 September of just 999 GBP - a huge
discount on the individual prices PLUS automatic access to all
new resources added over the next 12 months.

Breaking news is always to be found at

How to take your training courses and resources online
Our new programme of live online events is attracting interest.
The first two sessions will provide a guide to some easy ways of
delivering your present training resources and courses to clients
online. Advance booking is essential

Tuesday 18 September, 13:00 BST

Thursday 27 September, 13:00 BST

Accreditation and Qualifications
Our special theme this month focuses on all aspects of
accreditation and qualifications. Check out all the available
resources at

Correction: IiP costs
Last week we drew your attention to a recent report on the costs
of supporting Investors in People recognition. This was based on
research published by the Department for Education and Skills
(not the Learning and Skills Council). Many organisations
qualify for substantial subsidy in the IiP application which
reduces the net cost to them. Full details at

Managing your TrainingZONE subscriptions
To subscribe, register at

Alternatively, e-mail
with the message SUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the body text.

To unsubscribe, e-mail
with the message UNSUBSCRIBE LEARNINGWIRE in the body text.

You should unsubscribe from the same e-mail address you
subscribed from.

To update the free mailing services you receive for newswires,
alerts and job profiles, select 'my services' at

Copyright (c) 2001 Sift Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
May be reproduced in any medium for non-commercial purposes as
long as attribution is given.

TrainingZONE, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol BS1 6HZ
Tel:+44 (0)117 915 9600 Fax:+44 (0)117 915 9630 ISSN 1474-2225