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TrainingZONE offers free ‘Love Bug’ antidote


If you are one of the reputed millions of global email users to have been hit by the notorious "ILOVEYOU" worm program, TrainingZONE has posted tools on the site to help you to disinfect your computer.

The downloadable tools include a program "Bug.exe" which searches PC drives for the main virus files and any additional data it may have created.

Another application, "DisInfector.exe" neutralises and renames infected files. The remedial tools can not replace lost data. The Love Bug can delete many data file types, but leaves versions of itself in their place. The DisInfector tags infected files with the suffix "infected". Searching your PC for files with the name "*.infected"
will identify files that need restoring from your back-up archive.

The virus spread extremely quickly on Thursday 4 May and is reputed to have attacked up to 10% of the world's email users. KPMG, the BBC and the Sift Group were among the organisations affected.

Having spent most of Thursday tidying up the resulting mess, our technical experts kindly decided that their disinfector kit might make the process easier for community members.

Download the disinfector kit