How well do you know your training? We are giving away two books a week between now and 18 December in our bi-weekly quiz, all you have to do is keep your eye out for the question which could appear anytime.
Question 4:
'Donkin orchestrates an in-depth look at one of the world's and businesses' next challenging milestones - the intersection of technology, work, culture and human nature. He does an excellent job of balancing his own personal experiences with the philosophy and history of work, and his insight into how we view ourselves, our jobs and our role in world is enlightening, entertaining and futuristic. Donkin brings to the table a deep understanding that today's technologies will help to usher in new, more intelligent management processes to link people and their management teams to success.' - Lars Dalgaard, founder and CEO of SuccessFactors.
'Richard has written one of the best histories of work and now repeats the trick looking forward at the future of work. Separating popular myths and dogma from the truly transforming trends in the workplace, he ably reveals what is, will and should be happening at work in response to key environmental, social and business changes. Essential reading for executives with any responsibility for people in work and for all those of us trying to plot our own way successfully through this shifting employment landscape.' - Duncan Brown, director, HR Business Development.