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Help for Interview/Presentation


I would be grateful for any hints/tips/advice for an interview i have?

I have a 10 minute presentation for a Training Team Leader role on the following;

1.What would you do to drive T&D forward in the Branch Network?

2.How would you approach the first 90 days in the T&D Team Leader role?

Thank you in advance.

Neil Pearson

3 Responses

  1. Interview tips
    It is hard to give any specific advice without knowing much more about the organisation. But in general terms here are a few thoughts:
    1. Ten mins is a short time so I would stick to a small number of significant points rather than trying to cover too much ground
    2. Either tell them what you have learnt from the branch network and how the T&D will response to those needs, or tell them the first thing to do is to get out there and talk with the business so you can align provision with the real needs, wants and expectations
    3. The best T&D comprises of quality delivery that generates worthwhile results. Then market your reputation on that substance rather than spin.
    4. They say it is good to break things into 3’s. So how about in the first 30 days say what you will do to learn and get under the skin of the T&D function, its customers, its staff, its processes. In the second 30 days say what you will do to consult on / influence changes to the T&D strategy, on any changes to improve efficiency or quality, and on any development needs of your team. In the last 30 days say how you will experiement with new options, plan any longer term implementation and agree measures to demonstrate success.

    You will know what the limits of responsibility that might go with the role. But I’d suggest going for strategic influence rather than getting stuck in minor details. You will no doubt have some ideas already about what you might do. As long as you can back them up with evidence rather them being just based on opinion, go fot it.
    Best of luck

  2. This is a great book!
    Hi Neil,

    I was in a similar situation not so long ago and I was recommended to read” The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels” By Michael Watkins. I have found it very useful.

    Best of luck!!


  3. pointers

    This seems to becoming a specialism for me (raising the profile of training) so here are some ideas that worked for me

    1. Start a T&D Newsletter
    2. Leadership tip of the week
    3. Themed training programs (sales, personal effectiveness etc.)
    4. Make yourself available for a monthly TNA meeting with each part of the business

    Fot the first 90 days – Build relationships and lay the foundations

    Hope this helps and good luck mate

    Rich Lucas