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Can you help?


I've been working with an organisation that's been going through quite a traumatic time. Friction has built up between staff teams and between the staff group and the Board.

I'm running an awayday for the staff team and another for the staff and Board together and i'm looking for some different exercises around team-building and fence-mending - also any novel visioning exercises to help them develop a shared way forward.

Any contributions welcome.
Cathy White

9 Responses

  1. Business Improvement Game
    Hi Cathy,

    I have business improvement game that might offer what you are looking for. It was initially designed as a board-based game for 8-12 players but I had a request from a client a while ago to use it as part of an away-day for 60+ members of a team so I redesigned it to be an electronic intervention that can be projected. On that occasion, we used it for just one hour and it generated over 200 ideas for positive change, definitely achieving the goal of having a shared way forward. The product is described here:

    I can also put you in touch with the client for his view on its effectiveness if you like.

    If you want to talk more about this, please call me on 07880790815.



  2. Visioning Exercise
    Hi Cathy
    You might want to design an interactive exercise / game around company vision statements. There are over 25 companies listed with their vision statements on our website – under ‘Free Trainer Stuff’ – sub section: Management Skills 2.

    It could be used as an ice breaker to get delegates thinking about visioning.
    Hope that helps
    Happy Days!

  3. visioning

    Why not get them to work through some basic creative visioning exercises?

    Guided thinking as a starter, or if they are not used to this as a technique to address the issues you mention choose something neutral and playful around say food, or other safe common experience. I find getting them to visualise an orange and then peel it tends to engage most.

    That done you could move to a more focussed exercise around what it’s like when all resolved.

    Then get them to do some drawing – eg rich pictures or selecting from photos – eg CCL’s Visual Explorer.

    Trust this helps.


  4. Away day activity
    Hello Cathy

    There are a couple of generic packs available, How long do you want to spend? For instance there is quite a short (40 mins) activity that is used as a starter. It also depends on your budget. If you can give me some pointers, I’ll be happy to send you some writeups and costings.
    01884 821870

  5. spider’s web
    Hey Cathy,

    I used this activty a couple of weeks ago and it was really powerful. I used it at the end of the day as a summary but I’m sure it would be just as effective at any other point.
    You need to get a ball of string or wool, ask them to form a circle. I let them be free, but you could make it more structured and focused with questions. I asked them to throw the ball to one another and say something that has come up for them during the day. Once this has gone on for a while and a ‘spider’s web’ has formed, I ask them to discuss/share their thoughts on what they’ve produced. They came up with things such as; ‘inter-linked, joined, linked together, takes an effort to hold its form; when one person doesn’t hold its form the whole thing falls down;everyone is required to keep its form etc.’

    Very powerful and visual.

  6. Numbers?
    Hi Cathy –

    What sort of numbers would we be talking about here? Obviously this would heavily influence what you would be able to do (often for the better!)

    best wishes


  7. Thanks
    Thanks for all your suggestions.

    There are going to be 2 groups one of 13 one of 21.

    I’m afraid I don’t habe a budget to buy resources (I work in the voluntary sector) but thanks for the offers.



  8. Force Field Analysis
    Why not divide them in to groups to do a force field analysis? i.e. Agree their goal/s, what’s helping us to achieve our goals, what’s hindering us. Then de-brief, consolidate and agree in plenary. Next, back into groups to discuss how to leverage our strengths and mitigate our weaknesses. Back in to plenary to de-brief and translate into an action plan with agreed dates to follow up.

    Also how does this whole thing fit with Bruce Tuckman’s model (Forming, storming, norming etc) – i.e. are they ‘just’ storming?

    The other thing you could do is the SDI psychometric which is great for conflict.
    Hope it all goes well.

    best wishes
