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Helping branch managers to be trainers


We have about 750 staff, spread right across New Zealand. We have about 70 branches, and with a small training team of 4, it is the managers of those branches who undertake most of the hands-on training in products and processes. We provide them with support material, guidance, information, etc.

We have never really given them much information on how to train their staff, coaching tips, etc. I recently released some material on our intranet site on learning styles to start down this track, but am looking for some more gems that I can provide to help them improve their training/coaching skills.

Does anyone have any short sessions, information, websites, etc that can help fill this gap?

I'm sure this question has been asked here before, but I couldn't find it!!

Tony Boon

5 Responses

  1. try Fiona Eldridge’s book
    It’s a book rather than a session, but The 7 Steps of Effective Executive Coaching is a good, no-nonsense and reassuringly straightforward approach to coaching. Published by Thorogood, available on Amazon. Uses a slightly different model than GROW, but one that’s been developed through research by leading practitioners and clients. Co authors are Dr Sabine Dembowski and Ian Hunter.

    Good luck!

  2. Training consultant
    There is an excellent flexible learning booklet for managers wishing to coach and train staff called ‘Develop’. Originally published by WorldWide Learning. I know that it has been used successfully by many managers.
    The booklet is easy to use and is interactive.
    If this is of any interest please contact me and I will put you in contact with the current suppliers.
    best wishes
    Damien O’Leary

  3. Trainers or Coaches?

    I understand your dilemma here because, at Matrix FortyTwo, we specialise in helping subject matter experts (your branch managers) become trainers and coaches, particularly in system and process areas. There are often subject matter experts who know the system or process really well but have difficulty transferring their skills and knowledge to others.

    We have a range of products in our Excellent Learning Facilitation programme and have many resources and activities that I would be happy to share with you if you want to contact me directly.

    We work with one organisation that users their managers to train staff in a supermarket to maintain standards in card retailing. Their staff turnover is high and they are, therefore, the best people to train their new staff ‘on the ground’. They have been using our ELF methodology to great effect for a number of years.

    One of the things you should decide is whether you want these managers to become trainers or coaches, as they will have different needs for each skill set and may get confused if you offer them too much, too quickly.

    Good luck with this.

    Kind regards.

  4. Support for Branch Managers…

    I have a couple of suggestions.
    I can put you in touch with a company who produces video content that could be put on your intranet which might be helpful in delivering additional learning content. Or, what about something like a coaching ‘pocketbook’ for managers?
    Jacquie Green
    t: 01884 821870