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Developing Trainers


Hi there,

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide with this query.

I want to build a development path for my trainers in order to improve their effectiveness. First of all I need some way to assess their current strengths/weaknesses so that we can concentrate development in the most appropriate areas. Is there any model or framework which already exists that I can use to do this?

This is really more about the personality of the trainers and their individual style of delivery rather than content but anything that incorporated both would be equally useful.


Craig Willis

Craig Willis

5 Responses

  1. get them to do it themselves…ish

    this is how we did it
    1. Get each trainer to run a training session of 20 minutes with their colleagues as delegates
    2. Video it
    3. Get peer and self appraisal feedback at the end of each session and build development plans from that
    4. Buddy them up (not in pairs) to work on the areas that need development with someone who is stronger
    5. Allow a preiod for improvement
    6. Repeat

    Hope this helps


  2. Trainers or entertainers
    I read the headline of your request and thought I would pop by and warn against models that focused on personality, so when I saw the second paragraph of your post my heart sank.

    Many assessors are fooled by personality and lose sight of the more important issues. I firmly believe that the most important (arguably the only) criterion for assessing a trainer is the extent to which the learners understand and apply the material. Obviously, an engaging personality and entertaining delivery style can have an impact on that, but it shouldn’t be blown out of proportion.

  3. trainer assessment framework
    You might want to look at the Common Inspection Framework for all post 16 education and training. You will find this on the OFSTED web site.
    Good luck

  4. Individuals
    Thanks for the advice Karyn, I see what you mean. I certainly wouldn’t want all my trainers to be clones of one another. In fact the individual traits of trainers should often be encouraged.

    Perhaps personality was the wrong word to use. What I really want to gauge is the extent to which the trainer understands, and acts on, the way trainees learn.

    Thanks again to everyone who has offered advice, this has been an invaluable resource.