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Training Feedback Forms


I am currently trying to push training forward for a software house with clients accross the UK. I need to put feedback forms in place so that we can monitor our performance throughout the year. I would like to have a simple form for clients to fill in, ten questions max with a free text box at the end. If anyone has any advice or samples please get in touch. Thanks
Russell Williams

3 Responses

  1. Feedback
    I have such a form; please let me have me your e-mail address

    ditto a tutor assessment



  2. Also evaluate the delegates
    I would also recommend that the trainer evaluates the delegates. I have on occasion used these forms to detail the fact that one of the delegates wasn’t paying attention. This is invaluable when you get a request 3 months later for a free course place because ‘X didn’t learn anything on the course’

    email me at [email protected] for an example.

  3. Training Feedback form
    I am Occupational, Health and Safety trainer in Pakistan’s no. 1 pulp and paper industry. I am developing a training feedback form. can you pls. help me in this???


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