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I have had a keen interest in learning, coaching, and training for a long time and so have recently managed to secure my first job as an IT Trainer for a software house in the south west. I know there are tonnes of materials out there to read and be inspired by, and I know most experience will come from doing the job. However I would be really interested to hear other peoples stories of when they started out and what would be the best things for me to pick up and read. Also anything to avoid would be just as helpful. Look forward to hearing from some of you soon!
Russell Williams

8 Responses

  1. New trainer where to start?
    Congratulations Russell

    Without knowing anything about how you got to be in the role it is a little difficult, some general things to think about:
    1) Develop an understanding of the various learning theories and the psychology of learning

    2) keep the outputs in mind – i.e. be aware of the business case, if you can show value you will be successful

    3) As you progress increase your awareness of human psychology – avoid the trap of only learning one model system

    4) learn to use accelorated laarning techniques – from 2 diff people as there are variences in approaches

    5) get active on boards like this, listen discuss, reflect

    6) join a membership network – UKHRD, TrainerBase etc

    7) Increase your awareness of Training & dev provesses, TNA, training planning, budgeting etc

    8) Watch children learn – it provides a great insight

    9) Learn to build strong relationships with managers in your business, listen to their needs.

    10) Keep your passion

    Good luck on your journey

  2. Develop own style
    Good luck Russell I hope you really enjoy your new carreer.
    I have been training full time for a few years and one suggestion I would make is do not act on one person’s feedback alone. Seek opinions of others. If you get 9 goods and 1 average think if comment is valid or just their opinion. Only change if sure it is the right thing to do!

    By all means consider learning styles and vary your delivery techniques but retain your individuality. It’s what makes you who you are and you will usually deliver better if it feels natural.
    You have lots of enthusiasm-do not hide it let it GO!

    Best wishes


  3. Questions
    Hi there

    My favourite piece of advice to any new trainer is to practice drawing information, ideas, comments, opinions etc out of your delegates through effective questioning. This has several benefits – your delegates will feel valued and see themselves as ‘learning’ rather than being ‘taught’. You will also save your voice, understand your delegates better and have time to think while you are getting them more involved.

    It may seem like simple advice but i’ve seen many trainers fail to get a groups attention by adopting a ‘tell’ style and finish the training feeling exhausted rather than invigorated!

    Good Luck


  4. Training Mags?
    Thanks for your comments guys.

    It’s really good to know a new starter can turn to a knowledge base like this for advice.

    I will no doubt have millions of questions over the next few weeks so you might get tired of seeing my name on the site, but any help will be much appreciated.

    NEXT QUESTION: Are there any magazines aimed at the training community worth subscribing to. Be good to have a constant flow of changes in the industry etc.

    Thanks again

  5. New Trainer Tips
    Hello Russell
    Good luck in your new role! I have been training for several years now and one of the most helpful things I have come across is to try and understand why people are behaving the way they are. Put yourself in their shoes – if I have a quiet, unresponsive or even disruptive delegate, rather than letting it get to me, or put me off I step back for a minute and try and think what has triggered that sort of behaviour. This then helps me deal with it a little better.
    I have found it really works!
    The other thing that has helped me ENORMOUSLY (and rather dull I know) is having some sort of training qualification. (Especially when you come to move onto another role!). I have the Certificate in Training Practice and am a member of the Institute of IT Trainers. You are right when you say there is no substitute for experience, but I will say I have learnt such a lot from both the CIPD and the IITT.
    P.S. Just thought of something else – I have also found it very useful to have some kind of informal mentor – someone who had ‘been there done that’ and is good to chat things over with…

  6. Good Luck
    Congrats on the new role. I have been training now for just three years and there are certainly a few things that I have found really helped me. One was having regular contact with other trainers both at my place of work and through networks such as this. The company I work for has several sites and we hold a quarterly trainers forum between two of them to swap ideas and provide support to one another as well as to improve our skills as trainers. I have found this a great source of help. Also I completed the CIPD’s Certificate in training practice which gives a good basic knowledge of key training skills.

    I think the advice about stepping back and not jumping to conclusions about the reactions / attitudes of your learners is excellent – don’t take a bad session to heart as it is usually not your fault.


  7. Welcome
    Welcome to the wonderful world of training Russell. I have been involved in training and assessing for the past six years and have learnt loads. Most important is to enjoy yourself when delivering a session as this transfers to the learners. Also try to make sessions interactive as this helps build a rapport between you and the learners as well as meaning you don’t do all the talking. (Which ALI inspectors don’t like anyway.) Above all try and spend some time watching others delivering sessions as you can always pick up on something. Have fun!!!

  8. Training publication
    Hi Russell

    You asked a question about good training publications. I’m based in New Zealand but we subscribe to a UK magazine called The Training Journal which is excellent. Their website is

    Good luck with your new career!
