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Look but do not touch…


As I look at the postings I put aside a period each day when I will look to see if I can assist or indeed make a posting to gain assiatance.

What interests me is the fact that for every 100 people looking & reading only 2 appear to comment - come on this type of community is here to share not take.

or would contributers be better off on the CIPD, UKHRD or TrainerBase forums?
Mike Morrison

7 Responses

  1. Speaking personally
    If the topic is something I know about such that I can provide helpful comments to assist both the questioner and other interested readers, I will comment. I currently specialise in delivering cultural diversity, clinical supervision, record keeping, report writing and retirement preparation workshops for NHS staff. There are often questions on cultural diversity, but none in relation to the other areas. Many of the questions on Any Answers are outside my area of expertise although I read most with interest.

  2. Reality?

    Altruism is a very worthy ideal however on this (as with many other forums) you will find those seeking to use your ideas and solutions for their own commercial gain, those seeking your own ideas and gain for their own company (or kudos in front of their bosses) and you will also find the downright lazy, those who couldnt be bothered to do their own research or hardwork.
    Maybe you can spot them face to face but on the internet its a world full of freeloaders mixed with the genuine.
    Please dont be so harsh on those of us who exercise a little more pragmatism when we are deciding whether or not to participate.
    Its a bit like sticking up a poster in the middle of Trafalgar Square that says ‘HELP ME’ – only a fool would not consider their motivation.
    The net isnt an altruistic democratic society – neither are the very forums you cite, all require a subscription to participate and very few of them actually allow you to criticise the self appointed rulers or moderators.
    Long live internet anarchy and freedom of speech!

  3. I feel guilty now so I have to say something!
    While I have certainly asked questions I have not answered that many, due to lack of experience and specialist knowledge. Unless I have something to actively contribute I don’t see the benefit to anyone in adding something for the sake of it.

    I ask questions not to be a freeloader as such but because I respect the opinions of the people on the site, and would be just as content being pointed in the right direction.
    I have certainly received some brilliant information,which I have really appreciated. It never fails to amaze me how freely people give out information here – a simple question can lead to great and varied answers.

    I hope that gives you something in the way of a constructive answer!

  4. freeloaders….
    Thanks for your comments – I just wanted to see what peoples reactions were!

    WOW now I know.
    only 3% of people contribute…

    What makes forums like this work are people prepared to share their experience.

    I have seen really good discussions on other forums – (interestingly training ones) UKHRD & TrainerBase that have been stopped dead in their tracks by people saing I am right you are wrong.

    Rather than just adding their take on the world!

    Is their something about trainers which causes (a small %) to feel that they have to ‘shoot the idea – not invented here?)

    Ho Hum

    have a playful week

  5. I think Sophocles said it best
    “It is terrible to speak well and be wrong.”

    If I don’t think I can contribute, why take up space?

  6. Ethics?
    Dear Trainingzone members,

    I’d like help with designing some training that will ultimately enable some British jobs to be lost and outsourced overseas.

    Does this make the point any clearer???

  7. My twopenn’orth
    I am relatively new to training, and work in IT training. I come here to browse, I read the news email that TrainingZone send me and come and have a look on the IT training forum.

    Its pretty quiet in here and I don’t have anything to ask so I mainly ‘lurk’. If I could help I would post. So I neither give nor take really.

    I can’t get into the CIPD site as I’m not a member, haven’t tried the others though.
