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Rapport exercises


I'm in need of ideas for both listening and rapport exercises which can be used in a coaching skills session. The exercises should demonstrate the importance of listening and achieving rapport and/or begin to allow participants to improve in these areas. Any ideas will be appreciated.

John Rocks

5 Responses

  1. Listening exercises
    Hi John

    I have some exercises and ideas that you may find useful and that I have shared with other members of the TrainingZone website.

    If you would like to send me an email ( I would be more than happy to share these with you.

    Wishing you every success.


  2. Trainers’ Library

    I read your posting with interest. There are lots of exercises in Trainers’ library ( which might help.

    Hope this helps,


  3. Listening trick
    I expect you know this old trick to illustrate lack of listening: Ask a group “How many animals, of each species, did Moses take on to the Ark?”
    Answer – none! (Read the question again if you don’t believe me).

  4. Effective Listening
    John, I deliver training on this subject during customer care courses. E mail me at and I will be happy to share them with you. I have more sophisticated exercises but good old Chinese Whispers always goes down well.

  5. Rapport and Listening
    I believe it is important to consider non-verbal body language in rapport building. The very basics of body langauge, voice movements, and interaction can be very powerful. Matching and Mirroring can be fairly unconcious, I often look at groups when they doing exercise and it is often easy to observe matching and mirroring between individuals. Ask them… did you know you were doing xyz? what made you do this? what is happening?

    Also the power of effective questioning is vital in both rapport and listening.

    I have a couple of listening exercise if you want them
