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Visualisation exercise


Hi, I am running a very short workshop on careers. I would like to create an environment where each delegate (15) can access their subconscious and through visualisation explore their ideal future.
I am looking for an excercise that I can read out to them - can you please help?

many thanks

Marina Dieck

3 Responses

  1. Visualisation exerc ise
    It depends how long you’ve got but this is about a 15 minute exercise. you need to ensure that they are comfortable and that the temperature in the room is comfortable. Dim the lights. Whilst playing some relaxing music in the background(there are loads of relaxation CD’s on the market), get them to close their eyes and start breathing deeply and then starting from their toes, get them to tense and then relax each part of their body – feet, calves, thighs, stomach, shoulders, arms and head. That should take 10 minutes to do properly. Then get them to visualise themselves in a room where there is a large comfortable armchair, a massive plasma screen and a dvd player. There is a dvd on the arm of the chair. They put the dvd in and then on the screen comes a movie of them in their ideal job/career.They should note sounds, emotions, what they are doing etc., all the details. They then visualise taking the dvd out of the player and put it in their pocket – it’s their’s to keep. Get them to slowly open their eyes and they can then discuss what happened. A warning – some people will hate this and see nothing, but at the very least they will be relaxed!

    Hope this helps. Feel free to call me on 07766 422376 if you would like any more details


  2. NLP Timeline for the future
    For such an activity I would use a timeline. using the past experiences of success to project the delegates into the future – if you have a NLP book there will be a description of how to do this. Or contact me directly, as a NLP trainer I have this exercise I can send you.

    Beryl Comar

  3. start with the past
    I find the best starting point for visualisation is to start with some moment in the past – for example a favourite holiday.
    Get the learner/s to close their eyes and concentrate on a particular place and moment on the holiday – a beach,a restaurant or whatever.
    Work through all the senses, sight, smell, sound etc. until they have a really vivid picture in their mind.
    They will now understand the technique.
    Now transfer to the future.
    And think beyond the immediate goal. For example if someone is going for a job interview, think beyound the interview to what it will be like starting in that place HAVING GOT THE JOB.
    What will the office be like, big, small, busy, quiet? What sort of desk do you have? Is there a view out of the window – of what?
    The images needs to be every bit as REAL and VIVID as the holiday memory.