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Time Management


any thoughts on the content which needs to be covered from your experiences on the same?

Can any one give me any books/tips to refer on this?

Dimashi Sigera

7 Responses

  1. Some thoughts..
    My initial thoughts are that two days seems over long. You might want to try Stephen Covey’s 7 habits of highly effective people which is a useful resource in terms of helping people to prioritise.

  2. Time management tips
    Look at the businessballs website – they have tips and links that you might find useful!
    Things I’ve covered in writing similar courses.
    – Prioritise
    – Set SMART goals
    – Read Peter Drucker, “Doing the right thing is more important than doing things right.”
    – Learn to say no
    – Don’t procrastinate
    – Pareto principle – 80 per cent of results are achieved with only 20 per cent effort.
    – Stop doing the things you like doing and start doing the things that need doing
    Just a few snippets – hope they help!

  3. Some thoughts..
    I would agree with Wayne, a 2 day session on Time Management sounds like a contradiction in terms!

    The most effective Time Management courses I have run are half day sessions with a 2 hour “clinic” 1 month later

  4. Time Mgt:
    I have a full day’s Time Mgt: workshop with In-tray exercises, warm-up, PP slides etc..
    Please email me directly for the workshop.
    many thanks

  5. Two whole days!
    Crumbs – I’m only given time for a one hour course, taught by video-conference and with a one hour follow-up session a month later! I agree with the book suggestions – you could also try Getting Things Done by David Allen. In the length of time you have, you could get a long way towards helping people implement his system. There’s been a lot of talk about it in the press recently and I’m trying to implement it myself.

  6. Time Management thoughts
    What really works well for me is a Time Robbers exercise – It really gets into the practical time thieves faced by delegates and suggests practical tips for resolution.

    I tend to do the exercise in 3 phases:
    Phase 1 : In small groups, delegates are given laminated cards with a design of a brick wall on. They use water based markers to record a time robber on the card, whether it is SI (Self Impoosed) or IBO (Imposed by others) and the reason for the time robber. They stick these onto the white board as they are going along, to build up a ‘Time Robber’ brick wall.
    Phase 2: some theory – I do SMART objectives, assertive behaviour to say no and a range of practical time tips.
    Phase 3: Again in groups, choose the main time robbers from the laminated cards, and work on them, producing a flipchart for all to see. Delegates then critique each group’s contribution, add their ‘ten pence worth’and then I arrange for the feedback to be typed and circulated to the delegates after the workshop. Works well alomost all of the time.

    I would be happy to send you a template for the laminated card, some tips, and a sample feedback from the flipcharts. Let me know on
    Hope thatbhelps
    Happy Days!
    Bryan Edwards

  7. Note Of Thanks
    HI All

    Thanks for your valuable input, with your help I have managed to compile a robust half a day Trining!
