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Inspiration! New ideas needed for opening a monthly staff meeting.


I'v run out of inspirational ideas to open a regular staff meeting! We are a succesful Recruitment Consultancy and I do'nt want to harp on about tagets, cold calls, new clients etc. All my staff are enthusiastic, and passionate about their careers. They all enjoy the meeetings and love to partisipate. (Everyone is given a topic to present, and we get some lively performances). I feel I need a new "story" or something different to start off the meeting.
Sandie Donnelly

7 Responses

  1. Recruitment Meetings

    We bought in a programme of guest speakers from locality for a 60 to 90 minute cameo slot those with direct or indirect relationship to us. Your local Chamber of Trade should be able to help you


  2. Ideas
    Two ideas

    1. We bought in a programme of guest speakers in our locality and with direct or indirect link to our business. A 60 minute cameo with q and as.Try your Chamber of Trade-

    2. Create an observatory session at each meeting where people bring in news cuttings,posters,flyers -anything linked to your business and which might generate new growth potential

    Good luck


  3. a suggestion
    I’m not sure if you are a recruitment agency that provides ‘temps’ but what about inviting someone to talk to the group who has temped for you and someone representing a client to give you a more well-rounded view of your business. Obviously, you would want someone who has something to say and can say it in an interesting way.

    Although not in the same business, I have done similar things in meetings before and it has worked really well.

    good luck

  4. Creative Whack!
    Try Roger Von Oech’s Creative Whack Pack – great fun and hellishly usefull!!!


  5. Individual presentations

    try this: each week ask one of the team to do a 5 minute presentation on one aspect of their job, e.g. Managing their time / controlling a phone call, conducting telphone interviews with applicants.

    This works well as a training process and is interesting for the group.

    Another idea is to start the meeting with a short quiz, compiled by one of the team. It could either be work-related or general knowledge and a small prize could be awarded to the winner.

  6. Rotate the chair
    Hi Sandie!

    Some great ideas here, and another simple one is to rotate the meeting chair each week (including responsibility to ‘provide’ the opening event)

    Speed Safely!

  7. Refreshing meetings
    After the preliminaries, we used to listen to a verbal book review, the lighter the better! This could be expanded to include CD or film reviews and it was pre-arranged on a rota (but not compusory). However, everyone joined in eventually.

    My own “trick” as Chair, was to pick an item from the day’s paper and make it relevant: a fascinating challenge.