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John Adair – Action Centred Leadership


I'm looking for an exciting, interactive way to present John Adair's Task-Team-Individual action centred leadership model to a group, other than drawing it on flipchart and discussing. Any ideas??
Karl Cheek

2 Responses

  1. introducing john adair
    You could split them into three groups, each with a sheet representing either ‘task’ or ‘team’ or ‘individual’ (there’s a clear layout here.

    Give them a mini-scenario and get them to suggest or act out the style described on the sheet they have, 5-10 minutes preparation and 2-3 minutes performing or describing.

    So they might say “If we were focussing only only the Team we would do the following in the given situation” and ditto for the group with Task and the group with Individual.

    They could discuss straight away, or swap sheets and try a different style, until each group has done all three. It would depend on the time available.

  2. Introducing Action Centred Leadership
    I split delegates into small groups and ask them to think of what the effective manager actually does in their job – that if they had the luxury of following a really good manager around, with a clipboard, for a few weeks, what would you see them doing e.g. ‘delegate effectively’. Give them 5 minutes and get them to dump their suggestions on a piece of flipchart. Then introduce Adair’s 3 circle model but only explain the headings and that they are interlocking. Don’t go into any more detail than this. Then pin up three flip chart sheets on the wall with TASK , TEAM, and INDIVIDUAL and ask the groups to cut up their responses from their flips and blutac them to the relevant flipchart – where they see that element fitting in to the model. Inevitably they’ll get some wrong, particularly with the TEAM and INDIVIDUAL charts, but it does get them thinking. (Try setting a time limit for this phase, to focus their minds in deciding what goes where).
    I then show them a list of the different behaviours under each heading according to Adair, and compare with what they put down.
    Finally, I get them to focus in on the size of their own circles by getting them to complete a Personal Leadership Profile and lead them through the analysis as what it seems to be saying; what they think; what do they need to do to rectify (if necessary).
    Hope that helps
    Happy Days!
    Bryan Edwards