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eLearning Strategy


I am writing an elearning strategy for the company were I work taking into account our current capability, competency of staff in our dept and an approach of how we can apply what we have + any reccomendations. I'd be really interested to hear from anyone who has done this or who has implemented an elearning strategy to share any experiences or ideas.
Dean Wearmouth

5 Responses

  1. e-learning strategy
    I used to work in a financial services company until going on my own at the beginning of this year.

    We developed a strategy over a number of years and found that it took a lots of energy and commitment from all parts of the business. As this was not always there the drive had to come from within training.

    The areas covered spanned:
    – content
    – build software
    – Who and where would we build e solutions
    – LMS
    – Learning centres
    – use of generic solutions and bespoke solutions
    – Education and implementation across training and business areas

    If you want to go ito more depth, please contact.

  2. Know Your Audience
    I have worked in e-Learning for many years and like Phil have a proven blueprint for an e-Learning strategy.

    In addition to Phil’s comments I would suggest that the most important is ‘Your Audience’ – there is no point in creating the best laid technology plans if your audience is not motivated / capable to access it. For proof read up about the failings of UKeU.

    In this modern day I would also suggest compliance and Accessibility (read Steve Prices Article) are key factors to be considered also.

    I have a good document entitled “Moving Forward With Technology Based Learning” I can forward to you if you wish. Contact me via email.

  3. Managers/supervisors must be bought in – or it just won’t work
    We have designed in-house a financial services e-learning programme for one of the top global insurance providers for usage in their companies in Asia and elsewhere and for their bank partners.My experience differs from the other writers. If you don’t get clear unequivocal buy-in from the line managers ( by, say, compulsorily linking them into their reportees e-learning experiences as part of CPD or personal development plans) then no matter how well the trainers sell it, it won’t work to the optimum. Plus, you’ll need to show how your e-learning strategy will lead to competitive advantage and an increase in the bottom line, amongst other important issues. Give me a call on 0131 258 0622 if you want to discuss it further.

  4. Clarity on benefit to the business for e-learning
    Over 2 years ago, I introduced e-learning in the company I worked for. In making a case for investment in this, I made a clear case as to how e-learning would complement other forms of training in the organisation. E-learning is not for everyone as it dpends on one’s learning style, as you may well know. so, in writng the strategy, E-learning formed part of the overall L&D strategy. In my case, the clear business case was access to learning for staff who did not have the opportunity to attend classroom training, worked on remote sites, so had no easy access to managers/coaches and it also complemented some of the traditional classroom training by offering small bites of learning, either as a refresher or as pre-work.
    You may also wish to do a cost benefit analysis in terms of costs and benefits.
    My strategy also included risks to success i.e. time allowed for staff to access e-learning. Offer on line tutroial support and create network of communites where people can ‘talk to each other’ about the various offerings. My experience tell sme that it takes time to take off, needs a champion at the the top mngt level and needs to be onstantly promoted via newsletter, emails and communnications.

    Hopefully,, the above gives you some idea iin writng your strategy. good Luck, Nina

  5. Concentrate on “learning” not on “e”
    I was until recently responsible for writing and implementing the eLearning strategy for ICI globally [20,000 users]. I am now an independent consultant, but don’t be put off by that!
    I believe it is crucial to emphasise that this is just another form of learning, and ensure that it is seen to work with your other learning solutions.
    Mail me for further comments or look at
