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Team building / Problem solving activity


I am arranging a trucking conference in March and I am looking for a team building / problem solving activity that uses as its basis a real life scenario from the trucking world. Can anyone please share any ideas for this kind of activity?
Many thanks to all.
Sharon Rogers

4 Responses

    Hi Sharon

    Team-building exercise works like this. Each team has the components for a ‘soap-box- vehicle. They have to fund the campaign, complete courage tests, construct and brand their ‘Grand Prix Truck’. After each truck is presented at ‘The Truck Show’, the teams race their trucks around a timed circuit. It’s great fun and a demanding & challenging team task. Can involve up to 6 teams and can be competitive or collaborative between teams. Let me know if you want more details.

    Best regards,

    Andy 0191 384 5528

  2. Try the New truck Exercise
    There is an old but proven training exercise called the New Truck Exercise. It involves a team of about 6 to 8 “drivers” in a company, each of whom has a vehicle with different characteristics, e.g. one is old but well maintained, another is the oldest in the fleet but has very low mileage, another is quite new but was obviously a Friday afternoon job and is always having problems. Yet another is new and goes well, etc. Management announces they are going to order a new truck but they want he drivers to decide who should get it.

    initially each driver has a reason why he personally should get the new tuck, but once discussion gets going, alliances are formed, negotiating ploys are tried, etc, but the team usually comes to a solution that the whole team is happy with and they learn a lot about themselves in the process.

    Your group is divided into drivers and observers, and the observers record the way the drivers come to a decision. The observers then supply feedback to the group.

    I can’t remeber all the details and I’ve tried Googling “New truck exercise” and had no luck: perhaps someone has a copy? I think it might have featured in the book “Games Trainers Play”.

    John Liddell
    Melbourne Australia

  3. The Alpha Complaint
    Similar to John’s idea, my suggestion comes out of an old collection of Case Studies …originally available from CRAC / Hobsons.
    The Alpha Complaint is about lorries, drivers, operational requirements, organisation …and all the associated people problems that goes with it.
    I’ve had a look on the web and can’t find any update or information of current use or availability. Send me a note and I will send you an A3 sheet [contains 4 single sheet memo’s]. Easy to use, although some updating may [?] be appropriate.

    Although having re-read the information the same problems would apply if we updated the case study to the year 2080 to cover an intergallactic trucking company. Hoh Hum !