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Basic IT Skills Testing


This is not testing if they can do fancy formulas in Excel or clever animations in PowerPoint but to check that the IT Skills that they admit to are real (so that we don't get accountants who are ex-Bank Managers who have never used a computer before).

I would be most grateful if anyone can point me to any websites that produce this type of software.

Thanks in advance!
Lynn Wood
Lynn Wood

3 Responses

  1. What would you like to test?
    What is it you would like to test ? For example a basic knowledge of say Windows 98 / XP or common applications like word processing. I could put together a simple online interactive test if you like.

  2. Qwiz or the like
    There are a lot of application testing providers who will (for a small fee) test skills at the appropriate level so that for financial managers you can test their Excel skills but for first line workers you can do basic testing in word etc.

    Try or a search on google and they should be able to help.

    Note: I don’t work for any provider so this is definitely not for commercial gain.

  3. ECDL – Or Why Not Go For Your Option?
    Lynn, any organisation that sells the ECDL (European Computer Driving License) should have a testing module. Where this can be purchased (licensed) separately you would have to discuss.

    In my opinion (& it is just that) my experience of these are very ‘basic’ – most ECDL courses are written to a very basic level – on the premice that the audience have a host of basic issues, not just the inability to use a PC.

    This brings about the problem that if you are looking to assess and recruit anyone of a certain intellect level these courses / assessments are going to be really irritating – and as a result may not pitch your organisation in the manner you would like.

    They are also generic – one solution meets all needs. You will need to balance this against the needs of your orgainsation and the audience – are you really getting what you need from these?

    On the other side of the scales is the option to have an assessment built to your exact needs. This will give you what you need to the finest detail, but is often perceived as more expensive. The reality is that these are now a lot cheaper to build as software and skills advance and depending on the numbers of people you are looking to assess may prove cheaper than a generic licensed programme.

    If you have a lot of time you can spend researching this I would suggest looking at 3 options:
    1. Generic ECDL
    2. Bespoke assessments from an e-Learning provider.
    3. Build your own using a product like QuestionMark.

    If however, you have got a great amount of time, get a consultant involved.

    If you want more help then please feel free to contact me & I can run you through the options in more detail.

    Good luck.