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Training Room Names


We are having 6 new training rooms built and need to come up with interesting names so that they don't end up being Room 1, 2,3.......

Two of the rooms are for IT training, one of the room is a soft skills training room and the remaining are general classroom learning rooms.

Has anyone got any ideas?

Many thanks
Becky Lutley

17 Responses

  1. Dead Parrots Society
    If you’re a fan, why not name the 6 rooms after the Python team?


  2. Create the right atmosphere
    Why not come at this from a different angle?

    How would you like people to feel when they are invited and walk into a training room?


    Then think of names or words that reflect those things that you are striving towards.

    Perhaps you might want to get people to think of relaxing holiday locations and call them Barbados, Antigua, Jamaica, Paradise (etc).

    Perhaps you want to get people raring to go and excited, and call them after sporting heros (Wilkinson, Holmes, Goodhew even)

    Maybe you would like to inspire people by bringing to mind heroes of our time, and call them after those (Mandela, Theresa etc).

    Or then you could try and tap into creativity and entrepreneurship (Brandson, Dyson, Roddick etc).

    But why think of the names yourself – why not create a competition for everyone to suugest one person they admire that could be used to name the rooms and then put an image and short biography on the room to inspire and involve everyone in this process…..

  3. Training Room Names
    We did this a couple of years ago – we used names from Lord of the Rings!!!

    I agree with Emma that it is far better if the names come from the people that will be using them for learning (not the trainers).

    I think a competition is a great idea and will generate names that are important to your staff. Whilst themes are easy to apply, they do date.

    Good luck.

  5. Use local names
    At Capgemini’s Birmingham office, the rooms have Shakespearan names. In the London office, Underground stations. In Woking (near RHS Wisley) flowers and trees. In Edinburgh they are named after Hebridean islands and in Glasgow, lochs.

  6. Does the building have a history?
    Does the building have a history behind it? Our Watford centre is based in the building that was the old free grammar school in the town, so we have named the rooms after the subjects that used to be taught in them…e.g.History Room, Drama Room and so on…

  7. Local Landmarks

    Our training rooms are named after local castles / historic houses – Hever, Bodiam, Chartwell, Scotney, Batemans. All very National Trust!

  8. Customers/customer groups
    All enterprises, public and private have customers, and we are all supposed to be more and more customer focussed – so name your rooms after key customers/customer groups.

  9. Names should relate to their location in the building
    Forget Names!

    Its no good have training rooms that no-one can find. After many complaints our rooms have been re-branded 1,2,3 etc… according to their location in the building.

  10. Forget Names
    I have to agree with Andrew. The important thing is that people know where to go and numbers make it very clear. Your people will more easilt remember IT1 or TRAINING1 than a local landmark.

  11. Hold a competition inviting innovative names…. eg: Think Tank,
    Our company held a competition (incentivised with a prize!) and came up with some really creative names… Think Tank, IT Clinic. This worked really well as it increased ownership of the spaces by employees – they see it as their own space to learn & develop – not just training rooms

  12. Keep it simple
    Why must there be an interesting name? Does it really make a difference? Or is it trying a little too hard? When I see a ‘novel’ room name at a training venue it rarely inspires me, it just makes me think of how many committies had to be convened to come up with the idea.

    If people can find the room, fine. Let the inspiration come from the learning, not the name on the door.

  13. Kipling – six serving men
    I keep six honest serving-men (They taught me all I knew); Their names are What and Why and When. And How and Where and When.

    The Elephant’s Child Rudyard Kipling

  14. whats the history of the building?
    I used to work in the old Cunard shipping line building in Liverpool so we named our rooms after some of the famous liners (tried to avoid the ones that sunk!) Might be fun to look at the history of your building when thinking of names.

  15. Thank you
    Thanks for all the ideas everyone.

    Unfortunately are buildings are about 3 years old so there’s not really any history behind the place.


  16. All things learning!

    We had a staff competition to name our rooms when we moved offices earlier this year. The best idea received a prize (book token I think). Our rooms were all named after people who said something profound about learning e.g. Confucius, Ghandi, Einstein, Spencer etc. We then had graphics made up with the faces of the person along with an appropriate quote. If you want more details on the quotes etc then drop me a mail.

    Janis Reid

  17. We’ve used our vision to brand the rooms
    We have branded our rooms with words from our business vision, taking a sentence like’ building lifetime relationships’, and using words ‘ lifetime’ for 1 room, etc. It reinforces our values and vision,