I am trying to do the Assessor exams A1,A2 and V1 - I have been assessing Keyskills but have been told that the awarding bodies will not accept this evidence - unfortunately I do not have any NVQ students - does anyone know of a way around this or somewhere that will let me assess students so that I can do the course
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Assessor Units
“…unfortunately I do not have any NVQ students – does anyone know of a way around this or somewhere that will let me assess students so that I can do the course?”
Are the Assessor/IV units right for your work situation? If so, or you want to achieve these units to enhance your professional development portfolio, an accredited centre should be able to help you.
The following observations are based on my interpretation of OCR programme guidance (which can be downloaded from their website).
In addition to occupational competence, candidates for the A1/A2 units need to meet a number of tests, including:
*Access to a ‘real work situation’ with an ‘operational organization.’
*A minimum of two candidates
*An Assessor (workplace)
*An Independent Assessor (accredited centre)
*An Internal Verifier (accredited centre)
Having met the first two tests, you now need candidates. Where do you find them? In a ‘real work situation’ with an ‘operational organization.’
At the risk of stating the obvious, anyone with a paid or voluntary job covered by national occupational standards is a potential candidate. So, if you have colleagues or team members who are delivering adult education programmes, you have candidates for learning and development units. Chances are they could benefit from the opportunity to undertake one or two of these units; e.g.,
L3 Identify individual learning aims and objectives
L5 Agree learning programmes with learners
L7 Prepare and develop resources to support learning
L9 Create a climate that promotes learning
L15 Support and advise individual learners
L16 Monitor and review progress with learners
L18 Respond to changes in learning and development
G3 Evaluate and develop own practice
If not, your centre should have access to candidates.
Best wishes,
Scott G. Welch