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I am conducting some research into the long term benefits of corporate coaching. I would be interested in discovering if anyone has evaluated the benefits of a coaching programme in retrospect, and also if anyone has looked at the 'trickle down' effect of coaching - ie has it been an purely executive programme or has the programme been rolled out to employees at all levels?
Lesley Reilly

4 Responses

  1. Evaluating Coaching

    We have introduced elements of coaching in our development programme, which is available for all our people managers. We have found that this has begun to produce a “ripple in the pond”. The key is the linkage of coaching behaviours with the business plan. Early days yet but quite exiciting! At the other end of the spectrum working with senior managers and Directors has been relatively slow… not sure of the influence yet.

    I have heard that one of the big accounting firms introduced coaching as a retention technique in the “war for talent”. They found that following the learners agenda was not helping in retention. Not sure if they are pushing the programme as much as they were!

    I understand that Skipton Building Society are making some great progress in this area.

    Good hunting on evaluation against predetermined objectives rather than hindsight!

    ian jenner

  2. Coaching
    Hi Lesley, I am a life and business coach and I have seen the enormous benefits that coaching can have at ALL levels of business and/or people’s own personal lives. The ethos of coaching is that everyone has the answers within them, it just takes a trained coach to draw this out of a person in a structured and goal orientated way. If I can be of any further help please E-mail me.

  3. Best linked to business needs and in sustaining learning from ma
    Hi Lesley

    As an independent evaluator, I’ve carried out a number of evaluations of management development programmes aimed at middle and senior managers, which have involved elements of coaching (e.g. programme lasting 8-9 months with coaching sessions over that period). These appeared to work well because they enabled managers to apply and practise learning between sessions of formal input and the programme itself was designed to focus on business needs. In many cases, the managers wanted to continue coaching sessions once the programme had ended, but in two of the three cases, the organisations declined to fund extra sessions. Some managers reported seeing benefits in their own improved coaching style/behaviours with others.

    Good luck with your research.