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Developing an E-Learning Capability


Over the next 12 months, it is our intention to present to our business, a case for the introduction of e-learning as an altrnative form of learning in our organisation. As yet, we have not defined our starting point or the foundation of our strategy. We will undoubtedly have to put together a business case for CAPEX so any advice or help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.
At this stage, we are particularly interested in identifying the starting point of such a project.l
Michael Esau

5 Responses

  1. Download our “e-learning strategy white paper”
    Hi – you appear to be blessed with a blank canvas. You could do worse than download and read our e-learning strategy development white paper which builds on the lessons we’ve learnt over the last three years – there were plenty of them!!
    Key issues to remember are that you can start small, to prove the concept, to refine the process and then to roll out once you are sure you have a winning combination. By asking the right questions early on and by involving the right people in your project,you can ensure that you have a defendable business case that has the buyin of your executive team.

  2. Know what you want
    Remember to agree the objectives for wanting to introduce E-learning. E-learning can be very expensive so do not go into it because it would be nice to have. Good Luck

  3. Learning rather than technology
    NCSL (the National College of School Leadership) now has two years experience of E-learning. I will be happy to put you in touch with someone there if you think it useful.

    From my own experience, if I were starting off these are the three things I would focus on at the start

    1: Use E-learning to compliment existing training provision (blend in rather than as an alternative).

    2: Go for a discrete project so you can measure impact and provide lots of support to learners who need to learn about learning in this environment.

    3: Focus on what you learning outcomes you want rather than the technology i.e. don’t get blinded by the suppliers of whizzy technology.

    Happy to talk more if it would help (

  4. Consider the Business Strategy
    Hi Michael

    In our experience ( you should begin with the business improvement strategy and let this drive the people development strategy. At the stage you appear to be at in your development it may be prudent to consider elearning as an element of the solution rather than the complete solution to developing your business.

    You are welcome to contact me to discuss further.

    Dr Philip Hallam

  5. E-Learning Capability
    The starting point of your project should be an an analysis of your organisation to define the areas where there are problems. This can be as simple as, do you have an outside resource supplying a Help Desk or is it part of your organisation. Ask them what the most frequently asked questions are. from experience in other areas, what is the negative feedback you get from your customers. who or what do your junior mangement most complain about.What do the staff complain about.
    Where do all the above lead? The answer is sitting in your workplace all you have to do is ask questions and listen.
    Where does e-Learning come into the solution? If you need to update computing skills then it will provide a very good solution. If you need to update personal or mangement skills it can be used in conjunction with classroom, scenario based training, or as recently known a blended solution. Most problems will have a different solution and you should be looking to implement what works best for each scenario.
    If you need to discuss anything then call me on 01492 623887