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Typing Evaluation & Training


We are looking for a software package that will assess typing speed & accuracy.

We are also investigating what packages are available to improve typing speed & accuracy. As I'm sure the evaluation will show that training is required !

Has anyone any recommendations?
Angela Rea

6 Responses

  1. Typing Assessments
    noticed Ian said try quiz, its actually spelt qwiz – web site is

  2. Try “TypeQuick”
    This is the best one I’ve ever found – contains a CDRom or server based application and can be used to both assess and train and comes with self training manual. Also think there is a web page but its been a while since I’ve used it so I can’t quite remember. I assume you must be able to get it in the UK if we can out here (though we do have to send to Australia for it). If you can’t track it down, email me and I will fish my copy out from my archives!

  3. TypeQuick
    I strongly agree with TypeQuick. If you go to and click on global resellers, then click on the United Kingdom flag you will find that there is only one company in the entire country that sells it called Comprix.

    The software costs about £30 excl. p&p.

    As far as I’m aware almost every further education college and university uses TypeQuick.

    I learnt how to touch type using it and I now average 90 wpm.

  4. Typing Instructor Deluxe
    Typing Instructor Deluxe is an excelent typing skills package that can be networked or stand alone. It trains and tracks on speed and accuracy and is not boring to use!

    E-mail me if you want any details