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Virtual Classrooms


I have tried presenting in a virtual classroom and I am very impressed with it. I would however like to see other classrooms and the kind of pricing you can expect for the service you receive. DOes anyone out there have any information or experiences that they would like to share?
Jeannette Kelland

2 Responses

  1. Some suggestions
    I’m not in a position to ‘recommned’ any one product but you may like to have a look at some of the following vendors for ideas:

    I must stress that this not an endorsement of any of the above and that there are quite a few different products available. What I would say is that there has been quite a wide set of expereinces with each- i.e. good and bad reports! Some just do work better on some peoples systems than others.

    You may also like to have a look through the Any Answers Archive by using the search box at the top right of this page, and even a previous question which asked about how to become on an online trainer

    Hope this is useful.