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Recruitment interviewing Stats / Facts


Hope you can help. I am delivering a recruitment interviewing skills workshop shortly to a group of middle managers. In the Introduction, I want to include some facts and figures to help sell the importance of delivering a skilled recruitment process to the delegates. For example:
What percentage of applications contain lies?
What is the average length of time required to train an employee from scratch in certain jobs (therefore the cost of them blowing out if make a wrong recruitment decision)?
What are the common mistakes made by interviewers?

If you have sources for your data/facts, so much the better. Many thanks for your help.
Happy Days!

bryan edwards

5 Responses

  1. from a different angle?
    Hi Bryan
    this is a potentially useful bit of data from a different angle:


    Job seekers are turning down offers from UK companies because of the poor standards of many interviewers. Over 40% of the people who’d had a bad experience said they had turned down a job offer from that company.

    A survey found that 56% of people who had suffered a bad interview laid the blame on the interviewer, accusing some of lateness, rudeness, sexism and even drunkenness.

    Around 40% of interviewees said they were asked questions completely unrelated to the job, while a third felt the interviewer was unprepared for the meeting and one in five said they didn’t like the company culture and values.

    Candidates expect to be asked intelligent questions during the interview, according to the study.

    UK companies need to feel a bit of pressure to create a good first impression, T-Mobile HR director Mark Martin warned. “Candidates are beginning to place a company’s culture and values at the top of their agenda, so businesses need to think about how these are expressed in an interview situation or their reputation and brand could be on the line,” he said.


    This was on TZ

  2. Disturbance factors
    We have recently rolled out interview training, and have used the information described in the T Mobile survey,which we add to with our own disturbance factors. For example:

    Cost of agency
    Cost of industry/local ad
    no of applications received
    % rejected at various stages of process
    % invited for interview
    % rejected/accepted….and so on.

    We play the guessing game as to people’s views and the majority are genuinely shocked/disturbed at some of the figures – more so as they relate to our business, than a generic survey.

    Happy to send the full list if you would find it helpful.


  3. Rus’s Contribution
    Hi Rus
    Many thanks for this information. What an interesting angle. The particular company I am delivering the workshop for is very image concious within their local community so it will strike a chord – I can certainly incorporate it into my introduction.
    Happy Days!

  4. Recruitment Interviews
    Many thanks for the feedback. I have now uploaded a consolidation of the response, and my own research, in the form of 9 slides with trainer notes onto my website – Just go to the Free Trainer Stuff (top toolbar) and scroll down to Management Skills-Page 2.
    Happy Days!