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Interview help


Hi all

I have an interview coming up very soon and have been given little time to prepare so I'd like to pick your brains if I may! The interview has a 10 minute presentation entitled 'What do you consider to be the most important principles in effective training to support change?'

Any ideas? I have loads of notes but I'm struggling to condense anything into any where near 10 minutes. I'd be really appreciative of any help and advice you could offer.

Thank you,


Judith Pattinson

3 Responses

  1. Suggestion ..
    Judith, suggest you have three objectives to the presentation and set it out as:
    2 minutes to cover intro and aims/objectives of the presentation
    Spend two minutes expanding on each objective
    Last 2 minutes spent on summarising the presentation content

    Naturally, state there are lots of important principles but today you chosen these three and be prepared for some grilling during the Q&A. When making up your presentation notes divide them into:
    – Things you must say
    – Things you would like to say if there is time
    – Things you could include but can miss out if time is pressing.

    Hope this has provided some clarity and good luck! I’m sure you’ll knock ’em dead. Let us know how you get on.

  2. Change interview
    Hi Judith,

    I think Clare has covered the structure of the presentation. I wrote some words for an associate company I worked for once and a paraphrase of it is:

    “It can be hard to change a business, but you can help the people in the business to change”

    Following on from this starting point my principles would be:

    1. Clarify the planned change and the foreseen impact it will have on people and how they carry out their roles, a high level needs analysis.

    Seek to identify the sensory changes that are envisaged within specific groups such as managers, what will they be doing, saying and feeling after the change which is different.

    This will give you a fantastic set of measures with which to evaluate any training that is given in support of the change.

    2. Once the consequences of the change are known people need to be helped to identify the areas of change they can work on for themselves. This will probably be via facilitated discussion rather than training although many trainers fulfil this sort of role when change programmes are being implemented.

    If this can be achieved the ownership and motivation are strong and progress will be quicker.

    3. Ask people to identify any specific areas of skills, knowledge and processes that they may need training on. This may require an additional mini TNA type process. It is important to include processes as people in many roles may maintain their know-how of what they should be doing and still lose sight of how to do it right when processes are changed.

    Good luck.

  3. Recommended reading
    If you have time for some reading, I recommend ‘Managing Transitions’ by William Bridges. He has a good three phase model in there which you could present, along with some principles of training to help people move through the ‘neutral Zone’.