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Training Video Material Required


I am looking for new video material (as an alternative to role play) to purchase for the workshops I deliver. Any recommendations much appreciated.

The context is workshops for staff who deal with post school students, from 16 to 18 year old to mature students. I am UK based and need material set in a UK, not US context.

I don't have fixed views about the context of the scenario/s (could be retail, an advice service, a library for instance).

My intention would be to show participants example/s of poor handling of situation/s, followed by group analysis/discussion, followed by viewing a better way of handling the situation. Maybe 20-30 minutes in total?

I have looked at some of the humour based examples eg Video Arts but would rather use serious material.

Producing a tailor made video would be absolutely ideal, but that exceeds my budget. Happy to spend up to £1200.

Any assistance much appreciated. I realise I am asking a lot!
Paul Kent

4 Responses

  1. here I go again…
    There is an old video arts title called “If looks could kill”…it isn’t a “funny” one and it is UK based and covers medical, retail, post office, hotel and rail staff dealing with a member of the public.
    It is cheesy but the messages ARE good. It is about 20 minutes long

    Give that a try.

    Interestingly, due to TV styles and youtube, people are now more attuned to the “fly-on-the-wall-CCTV” video images as well as the “high-production-values-Hollywood-style-must-have-at-least-three-household-names” type so you probably could make your own YBF type video without huge cost…I’m trying to do the same myself at the moment!


  2. Thanks Rus
    I will look at that video as an option. There’s another Video Arts advertised one produced my Melrose called ‘Keeping Customers Cool’ I might also look at.

    When you say you are producing your own ‘YBF type video without huge
    cost’… are you literally doing it yourself, using a camera and somebody to act it for you? Very interesting way to look at things – thanks for that. You’re right, the ‘you tube’ age has changed peoples’ perceptions. I will seriously consider that. Thank you

  3. it is like this
    There is a senior manager at a client organisation who “came up through the ranks” and wants to ensure that his tried and trusted methods are passed on.

    He wants to “enact*” examples of successful and unsuccessful ways to deal with problems with the actors we have contracted for role plays (at a pilot, in front of a live studio audience).

    My proposal is to site two or three small cameras around the room not unlike cctv security cameras and capture the events.

    Then I would intend to edit the film appropriately to show the relevant actions and reactions.

    Common digital editing equipment allows you to insert scene numbers and captions for clarity of use later.

    I confess that I haven’t been able to DO this yet so I can’t report on the ease of production or the success of the outcomes but I can’t see any major problems (though I’ll bet other forum members can, and would welcome their opinions)

    I’d be happy to talk more about this with anyone who has any strong feelings…07812 170391

    *I use the term “enact” because he doesn’t want to script’ll be “improv”!
