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What is formin, stormin, normin and performin


I have heard of 'formin, stormin, normin and performin' but do not know what they are in relation to and what they actually mean.
Can anyone help?
Either by explaining them or directing me to a website that would help as I cannot find anything when I have done a search.

Claire Nolan

5 Responses

  1. Tuckman theory for teams
    Hi Claire,

    This is the theory of team development by Bruce Tuckman.

    Tuckman suggested that all successful teams evolve by progressing through 4 main phases.
    1. Forming – getting to know each other
    2. Storming – Jockeying for position
    3. Norming – Identifying strengths & Weaknesses
    4. Performing – Working together.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Tuckman
    The model you describe is generally attributed to Tuckman and is Forming, Storming, Norming and Performing. Later, Adjourning was added though many in the UK liberally use Mourning as a substitute.
    There is little still in publication with the original source material though many other authors have drawn upon it. If you really want to track it down I would suggest the following as your best bet (and which includes the contribution of the often forgotten co-author, Jensen)
    Tuckman, B. & Jensen, M. (1977) “Stages of Small Group Development Revisited,” Group and Organisational Studies 2, 419-427
    As to meaning, the model describes the stages groups go through. There are twenty or so similar models from Schein to Cogs Ladder but it is Tuckman & Jenson’s version that trips off the tongue most easily.
    Forming is about the early ‘polite’ phase when a group or team first come together.
    Storming is the challenging stage when power issues and personality differences surface.
    Norming is when norms, habits and unwritten rules start to get established.
    Performing is when the group is working at optimum level,like a team.
    Hope this helps

  3. stages of group development
    These are the four stages of group/team development. Forming – getting to know each other, low conflict, etc. Storming – positioning for acceptance of ideas, agreeing on goals, etc, – hi conflict, Norming – coming to agreement on how team will functiom, etc. conflict becomes more construcutive. Performing – group comes together to achieve goals.

  4. Words, Model and Questionaire
    Hello Claire,
    I have just delivered that very session today! You can find all the information you want on the fantastic free website:
    You will find the theory behind the words, a diagram of the model and the questionnaire to help people establish what stage their Team is in.

  5. Good advice!
    You have received plenty of sound advice! I agree about not forgetting the mourning stage-it can be powerful
    One of my current client groups – unemployed young people- have been following Big Brother and identifying all stages at various points!
