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Seb Anthony

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Hi All,

I am looking for a customer service acronym. that reflects the importance of rapport and para-phrasing on a inbound customer service call?

any help greatly recieved

Rob Black

6 Responses

  1. Cheer Up
    I’m not sure it meets your needs, but in back rooms of my memory I have CHEERFul as an acronym for incoming calls:

    Establish needs
    Right person
    FUL(l) messages

    I think it comes from a mid-eighties Video Arts presentation (at least I recall leg warmers and batwing tops!).

    P – PITCH
    A lowers pitch is more desirable because it projects and carries more easily over the telephone. Volume can cause some problems. If you speak to too loudly you may sound distorted – too softly and the listener may have difficulty in hearing you.

    Avoid speaking in a monotone, as it can sound a little boring. Out feeling into your voice to help express an idea or mood.

    Courtesy is as important on the telephone as it is face to face. Put a smile in your voice and use the customer’s name, it makes a good impression.

    T – TONE
    It is not always what you say but how you say it. Use your voice to reflect sincerity, pleasantness, confidence and interest.

    Do not speak on the telephone while chewing gum, eating or smoking. Also avoid using jargon that may confuse the listener.

    R – RATE
    If you speak too quickly the person will listen to the speed of your speech, rather than what you are saying. Too slowly and they may be anticipating what you are going to say.

    The English language contains a number of letters that sound similar – S & F, P & P, T & D. Use the phonetic alphabet to avoid misunderstanding.


    I cant remember the first time I saw this, but think it was from Fenman, sorry maybe we should have one about memory!

  3. picture(s)
    If I can suggest an addition to picture…why not add the s for smile. this helps with the pitch, inflection and tone and is thus the most important of all!

  4. Please don’t!
    Experience has shown me that acronyms are not usually effective and are often ‘translated’ at the earliest opportunity into something you wouldn’t want -for informal use between those they are designed for!
    Recruiting the right people (I know that this is easier said than done!) is the only way to make customer service work. No amount of acronyms will make up for people who don’t naturally possess (at least the bones of) the relevant interpersonal skills.