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Understanding Questionnaires & Surveys


I have been asked if I can deliver training on 'Understanding Questionnaires & Surveys''. They would like to include topics such as: when to use them, how to write them, data analysis, qualitative and quantitive data etc. Has anyone delivered a simular course? Any tips?
James Read

2 Responses

  1. Understanding Questionnaires & Surveys
    I use/develop questionnaires extensively in reports to provide hard facts for soft data; supporting evidence of need for an argument, service or trends. Questionnaire layout, design and content is an art form in its own right. I would be happy to help you design such a course. Please feel free to email me and we can take it from there

    Good luck

  2. Understanding Questionnaires and Surveys
    Hi James

    I have spent the last six years developing a process based on questionnaires and surveys – take a look at our website and if you are interested please give me a call to discuss how I can help you.

    Valerie Heritage