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Committee Management Skills


I am looking to develop a committee skills course and am having difficulty sourcing any up to date information on the role of the committee officers, procedures and functions of a committee. The target audience are voluntary organisations and the committee members/officers. I have searched the web, book shops and libaries. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Graham Perch

3 Responses

  1. Committees
    I have a friend who runs courses on meetings and minutes and the like: see She may be able to give you some pointers.

    If you wish I can let you have some material written for an ICSA text book (“Administration of Corporate Affairs”) a few years ago e-mail:, or you can buy the whole book from the ICSA.

    They are changing their syllabus and have recently taken over responsibility for textbooks from BPP Publishing. New material from them on this subject will be in a book called “Corporate Secretaryship”, but there is no indication of when this will be available.

    ICSA’s own bookshop may have some ideas for you.

    Best wishes.

  2. Management of a committee
    You could also look at some of the websites devoted to charities as we are sure some of your audience will fall into this category. Members of a charity committee will have other prescribed duties legally imposed on them so do take this aspect into account.

    In brief ( very briefly) the duties, job roles and needs of committee memmers will legally be determined by its formation. It is difficult therefore to talk in broad terms altough some safe subjects would include policy development and proper recording of minutes as well as what to do when roles are not adhered to which can be discussed in broad terms.

    Best of luck

    Training By Design Global ltd
    0870 241 3998

  3. committee course info
    “everything is possible until it reaches the committee stage”
    committees abound in the voluntary sector and I can give you some info on a good book for vol. organisation standards,However a very good source of info is available to school governors who hold a civic post and guidance and law play a big part of committee structure and practice,email me if you are interested to know more and I can give you more info or phone on 07970 481511