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Workshop help needed



I am delivering a workshop about dealing with difficult and angry customers over the telephone.

It is a full day.

Does anyone have any content/ slides / exercises that would help


Andy Powers

4 Responses

  1. use tapes

    this normally works really well: make up a mock tape of a customer/ call-taker and exaggerate the mistakes typically made by the call-handler. Make it funny but closely related to the job they do.
    Then ask the group to make a note of everything the call taker does wrong and use it as a basis for discussing the do’s and don’t of dealing with angry callers.
    Finally split them into pairs and ask them to role play the ‘correct’ way of handling the call.
    Call me on (0118) 987 5683 if you would like any further information.

  2. Wokshop help needed
    Mock calls are great for discussion. Also useful to create a worst case scenario mock call so people can deal in a safe environment. Also most of teh call centre complaint lines use acronym step by step process to dealing with difficult callers ( i.e. HANDI Hear, answer, note, diagnose, invite ) this helps people keep calm and focussed.
    When I delver mine I always include something about behaviours so people understand why someone might be difficult – helping again to take the personal feel out of a difficult call.
    Good luck !

  3. resource pack
    The Industrial Society has a resource pack entitled “Phone Rage – How to turn the raging customer around”. It includes trainer notes, trainee workbook and (the one here) a video.

    Best wishes