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Short wrap-up session


I'm trying to think of a light-hearted but useful way to end a day of professional training for twenty people. I will have about 20 minutes for this session.

The last time I trained this group, I got them to write "pledge cards" that I then posted to them six weeks later, as a reminder of what we had covered and what they had intended to do afterwards.

I'm looking for something like that - any ideas? Suggestions will be most gratefully received.
Susan Grossey

3 Responses

  1. Question Cards
    Hi Susan
    I can’t offer you light hearted but what I often do is ask individuals at the beginning to write their main question about the topic at the beginning of the day. Then at the end you can ask them to revisit the question and work in small groups to share the answers they have got.
    Another idea I have used sometimes is to ask them to do a collage to show the key learning points, with 20 people though this may not be possible to de-brief effectively.
    Hope it goes well

  2. Wrap up and think ahead
    You could get them to imagine themselves three months into the future. Get them to write an article for their office magazine (or perhaps a glossy magazine) of no more than 100 words. The focus of the article should be on what they have done in the 3 months since the course. It can include a picture or graphic too if they wish.
    If you have enough time you can post them around the room and do a walkabout review. Alternatively you can ask for two or three volunteers to read one or two lines from their articles.
    If you want you can collect in the articles, scan them, add your own ‘foreward’ (or should it be ‘backword’??) and send them the 3month mag. You could also offer to pick someone at random in 3 months time and ask them how they did. And if they did what they anticipated you could get the article published in the real office mag – good recognition for them and good PR for training.

  3. Thank you
    These are excellent suggestions – I am now spoilt for choice! Thank you for taking the time to help.