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Training Qualifications


Six months ago I created my own business which primarily offers training and Consultancy in Management systems, quality based and Information Security.

Although I have no formal training qualifications, I have been fortunate enough to be recognised as a professional with "natural" delivery ability.

I grateful as I am for the written testimonials, I would like to gain a formal recognition as proof of quality, ability and technical aptitude for the trade.

What qualifications exist for trainers and which is considered to be the highest level? Which routes exist in order to attain independent recognition?
Paul Bellard

8 Responses

  1. Training Qualifications
    A good place to start would be with the CIPD.

    Interestingly, the training and development NVQs and related qualifications are about to be updated. On the 1st June 2002, a new range of qualifications at levels 3, 4 and 5 will be introduced, replacing the existing framework.

    You can read more about this and order a CD-ROM containing the full details from the Employment National Training Organisation at There are more variations within each level which should give them greater appeal.

  2. Certifying Your Delivery Skills

    There are several different options for certification in the UK, as well there should be. It all depends on what best meets your needs.

    If you are looking for an internationally recognised certification that is commercially endorsed, consider CTT+. It is prevalent in the IT industry (accepted by such vendors as Microsoft, Oracle and Novell) but is also used in soft skills training and by such companies as Ericsson and Dell for their internal trainers.

    CTT+ is based on 14 competencies outlined by the international board for standards in training and has a two part assessment. For more information, you can visit the CompTIA website ( or call SkillsCERT on 0207 689 9696.

    Good luck!

  3. training qualifications
    Having been a professional trainer for many years I eventually studied for and gained full membership of CIPD only 10 years ago. This has opened many doors for me and is equivalent to a degree which includes a training & development module.You can add to your MCIPD to gain an MA in Human Resource Devel. by an addtional year’s study one day a week, at a University.Look at CIPD website.

  4. Full UK guide
    The Institute of Training and Occupational Learning (ITOL) has published a comprehensive public guide to trainer development qualifications in the UK. It’s on the ITOL website at
    (click on the Training Qualifications icon on the left-hand navigation bar)

  5. qualifications
    The most common qualification in my feild is the old NVQ C23 & C24, C23 delivering a demonstration & C24 delivering a lecture combined with the D32 internal assessor some like myself also have the D33 internal verifier I also have the FETC or the City & Guilds 730 (further education teachers certificate) some do have Cert Ed but not many. As the NVQ is probably the most widely known this tends to be regarded as the qualification to hold.

  6. Trg Quals
    CIPD is the obvious choice, however if you want a bigger bit of paper check out Leiceter University’s Trg & HRM MSc Part Time (modular) course which Prof David Aston used to be in charge of. I did it years ago and it covered local, national, european and international aspects of Training and HRM. Most of what was covered was known to me, but it meant gettinf a bit of paper to confirm my tertiary experiences. I reccommended it to a friend of mine who had no qualifications and he managed to complete it successfully (and he’s not one of the brightest of stars in sky !).
    Wayne Thomas

  7. IITT
    the Institute of IT Training has coursees which are suitable for all trainers. Their TAP training is excellant and would suit a ‘Natural’ trainer. Try their website and check out what is available or if you are in (or close by) Scotland contact me

  8. IITT Confirmation
    Depending on whether you are looking for IT Training qualifications or just general Training Qualifications, you will find two camps – IITT for IT skills and CIPD for the other!

    There was a similar question last week with lots of responses – can I suggest that you check these out?

    In the meantime – as an IT Trainer – I’m voting for IITT!