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The importance of getting management buy-in


Hi all

A friend of mine is doing a project on learning and development and needs some articles/quotes on the importance of getting management buy-in when designing programmes and/or ensuring management are fully aware of why the training is being carried out and what the expected outcomes are.

Can anyone help

Many thanks

Sue Beatt

One Response

  1. Buy In – not enough
    Sorry no articles, but I’m not convinced (from personal experience) that management “buy in” has any value in itself.

    What is valuable – is management’s commitment to ongoing support of learning (coaching, modelling, leading by example etc.) which enables effective transference of learning.

    Too often management “buy in” is commitment to outcomes but without any personal commitment to support the actual event except for money to run a training and time to deliver it.

    And surprise, surprise, the training is far less effective than it could be – and then training carries the can for it.