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Development Programmes for Middle Managers


I am currently working on designing a development programme aimed at middle managers across the organisation.

One of the key areas which I aim to address in the programme is effective people management.
Does anyone have any advice about blended learning approaches I could adopt? As the population I am targeting is quite large, I am restricted to how long I can take middle managers out of the business.

Also, can anyone recommend any training and development suppliers that I could potentially approach to help me meet our needs?
Hannah Robertson

4 Responses

  1. from my experience
    Blended learning (from which I’ll presume we mean some prework, a workshop and some form of post-workshop “clinic” session) does need cultural support.
    1. You need to have appropriate level IT support if you are using e-learning, this includes easy access from on-site or remotely, and some form of way to tell who has done/not done the prework.
    2. Culturally people must have the wherewithall to access e-learning in appropriate peace; there is no point in trying to do an e-learning module if you are constantly disturbed by customers or colleagues, worse still if your manager looks over your shoulder and asks, “Haven’t you got any real work to do?”. Personally I favour workbooks and off-line
    e-learning in order to avoid these problems.
    3. Workshops work well when they are related to, but not wholly based on, the prework. If the workshop is entirely revision of the prework, people ask what the point of the workshop is, if they can succeed at the workshop without having done the prework then they ask why they wasted time on the prework.
    Where possible use the workshop to build on, test and practice the outcomes of the prework.
    Workshops can be only one day in duration and if time away from the line is really critical can be modularised into half day chunks.
    4. Keep “clinics” short and sweet; lunch sessions (with a free lunch provided) seem to be quite good. Depending on the subject you can get the delegates to manage their own clinic rather than having a trainer (HERESY; I’m a freelance trainer!)

    By following this type of approach you can provide as much value as a three day event in one day of delegate down time.
    If you can use off-line and workbook based prework and avoid full scale programmed interactive e-learning you can reduce your IT developement and maintenance costs and issues whilst still having bespoke material.
    If you self manage your clinics your cost-and-time savings increase again.
    You can also link in on-line or telephone coaching as appropriate.
    I hope this helps,
    call me if you want to discuss it 07812 170391

  2. Supplier of T&D
    You should contact Sarah Smith of Walkgrove Ltd
    01623 666760.
    This company has many years of experience of developing flexible and blended programmes to a range of organisations. They can advise you or put together a blend of workshop/workbook/e-learning/coaching/mentoring/learning
    sets etc. The actual blend depends on needs, circumstances and budget available. I have seen some of their material and it’s top notch. Good luck

  3. blended middle management training
    Hi Hannah

    there are lots of blended options – on-job, off-job, coaching, e-learning, guided reading etc.. The question is what would be best to cover using which technology for your organisation? Sometimes this is cultural, other budgetary, time etc…

    What do you want to achieve and how will you know you have achieved it?

    How long can you take managers out for? What do you want them to be able to DO as a result of the development programme?

    Do you want the programme recognised outside the organisation?

    Options include:
    a degree/ post grad cert/ dip

    or a certificate from the ILM or CMI – these are more cost effective and can help build kudos inside the org – not too expensive either…

    As for suppliers – well I will be biased 🙂
    Or You could also try – there you can put up a ‘tender’ for free and interested and ‘qualified’ suppliers will ‘put their hand up’

    Recommendations from colleagues, other people you know in hr,

    Other options for finding suppliers are as others have said.

    A word of caution –
    * big is not always best
    * a glossy brochure/ web site does not mean good quality
    * the person you meet will not necessarily do the delivery
    * big means more overheads to charge for
    * Too small can mean more risk

    Trust and an open relationship is critical for a successful programme.

    good luck

  4. Supplier of materials for blended learning for mid-managers
    Hi Hannah

    As you have specifically asked for the name of suppliers hopefully i am not contravening tz etiquette.

    We are the UK partner for Harvard Business School Publishing – resources designed to be used in development programmes for different levels of manager.

    Please feel free to call me or email me and i can share details with you

    Martin Baker
    07785 776416