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Design and delivery costs


how to distinguish between any preparation, development and delivery costs?
David White

4 Responses

  1. Pricing

    In my experience clients are very rarely willing to pay development costs so you need to build these into your overall daily rate.

    Sandra Beale

  2. Design and Delivery
    Sandra Beale is right – getting money for development can be difficult. But from your side make sure that you retain the IPR and that the number of delegates to receive training is in a contract. If the client wants access to the IPR then this price has to be a reflection of what it cost you in time and overheads, etc to develop and design the package

    Mike Timmins TLC Ltd

  3. Arian Associates Ltd
    Sound advice from Mike Timmins.

    Just make sure you don’t loose out when you cost programmes otherwise you end up out of pocket.

  4. Generic or bespoke
    Hi David

    The subject of pricing and charging is a hot topic and one where there is no one best way.

    A question to consider is whether the training is generic (can become part of your stock in trade) or bespoke (only suitable and specific to that client).

    That said you day delivery rate should cover non earning days, which ought to include marketing and product development.

    I have been paid for development but that was for a specific funded project and was date sensitive. Most of course I have not.

    If you need information on what rates are being charged and how to calculate them there are two articles on In the downloads section in the TrainerBase document and materials is a research article I did on trainer rates (what is being charged).
    In the Useful Stuff page in the Business Development section is an article on Trainer consultant pricing (how to calculate what to charge). Get your day rate right and you are being paid for development:)

    Hope this helps.

    AKA Ed.


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